Post Program Report PMV 2020

16 February 2020
PARC PMV Workshop

Dear Participants,

I would like to present you with the Program Report of the PARC PMV Workshop 2020. Special
mention to Br. Rey Mejias, who was behind the elaboration of the report.

As you read the report, it might arise a number of questions that will need collective answer
from all the stakeholders involved. Starting with us, as responsible for promoting vocations in
our own District/sector and together with the Brothers Visitors, Brothers, Sisters, Lasallian
Associates, students and other actors those seemingly complex outputs one step as the time
could be brought into practice. This document is not a long written bunch of ideas, it
represents what we expressed as our intention of “putting it into practice”.

Therefore, I would like to propose the following almost expecting your full participation.

1. Share the questions that you have after reading the program. Please write it together with
the answers. You are part of the solution.

2. Suggest concrete ways of putting into practice what we decided.
3. Volunteer to lead some of the expected output activities as PARC PMV
4. Pray that God will bless as with many Lasallian vocations among them Brothers vocations.
5. Invite young men to the Brothers Vocation, so that there are candidate for Postulancy (first
stage of formation for Brothers).

One next step for me would be to invite some of you to be part to the PARC PMV “follow-up
team”. Together in the team, we will figure out how to do the follow up of the expected outputs.
In the mean time, it would be greatly appreciated if your could put in to practice No. 2
Thank you and looking forward to meet you in the continuing “putting into practice” the
commitments that we had taken.

On behalf of the organizing committee.

Best regards,
Br Antonio Cubillas FSC

Post Program Report PMV 2020