2021 November 12
Dear Brothers and Lasallian Partners,
Greetings of peace!
It is with excitement and joy that I announce the upcoming 3rd LEAD Mission Assembly to be held sometime in September 2022
The 3rd LEAD Mission Assembly (LMA) is an opportunity for Brothers and Lasallian Partners from the seven sectors of LEAD to come together and reflect on the current realities and future directions of the Lasallian Mission in this part of Asia.
During the Assembly we hope to journey together and find answers to these questions:
- How did we respond to the 2nd LEAD Mission Assembly?
- What are the realities in each of the countries of LEAD?
- How can we respond as a District to the propositions of the 46th General Chapter?
At the helm of the 3rd LMA is the organizing committee headed by Ms. Coreen Paul, the chair of the LEAD Mission Council and Brother Jose Jimenez FSC. . They hope to gather together sector representatives coming from the Brothers, governance boards, administrators, teachers, alumni, young Lasallians, and International Mission Assembly participants.
The 3rd LMA will kick off with “country conversations” set to take place between November 2021 - April 2022. Expect to receive communications from Coreen and her team in the coming days.
The organising team members who will be in touch with you are :
- Japan - Br. Rogdrigo Trevino
- Singapore - Mr. Bernard Teo
- Malaysia - Mr. Isaac Stephen
- Hong Kong - Mr.Alan Li
- Myanmar - Ms. Christine Soe Hliang
- Philippines - Ms.Fritzie Ian De Vera
- Thailand - Br.Matthew Chumkhamta
Thank you to Brother JJ, Coreen and the LEAD Mission Council for taking on this challenging task amidst the pandemic. Advanced thanks to all the Sectors / Schools / Brothers / Partners for their cooperation and support.
You are always in my prayers. Take care always and stay safe!
Fraternally yours,
Br. Armin A. Luistro FSC