Br. Sockie De La Rosa Fsc & Peanut (Puspin Breed)

I got Peanut when I was in Bacolod 2 years ago. A former student posted online about a kitten in their village who was abandoned. The moment I saw his photo I knew I had to have him. Br Irwin and I helped co-parent him. We had to bottle feed him! It was a can of Peanuts in Br Irwin’s office that gave him his name. We thought he was a girl at first but later on found out he was a boy.

We Must Unlearn To Learn

PHILIPPINES - During a pandemic when businesses struggle to keep afloat, many private schools that operate as enterprises strive even more due to poor enrollment. In the current school year, as much as 865 private schools faced closures due to low enrollment and the inability to meet requirements to conduct distance learning. School closure affects not just teachers and school employees but also ancillary businesses that rely on school operations.


"The Brothers consider their professional work as a ministry...helping those they serve to discover, appreciate, and assimilate human and Gospel values. They accompany each person in their search for meaning and for God." (Rule 16) Wondering about which path to take in life? Let's talk!

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Live Jesus in our hearts, forever!

Godspeed, Br. Mario!

THAILAND - Br. Mario Zammit arrived in Thailand in 2008. He worked with the Brothers in the Sector of Thailand for the past 14 years. He left for Myanmar for one and a half years while working with the Brothers in Thailand in order to help the Brothers in Myanmar and then returned to Thailand again.

Brother-Mentors’ Gathering

PHILIPPINES - Our Brothers in the Philippines, through the Vocations Ministry Office of the Philippine Sector, organized the 2nd Brother-Mentor’s Gathering focused on learning more about the basics of Spiritual Direction. Br. Mike Valenzuela facilitated the session which featured a concise input on the essential definitions, skills, and tools needed in spiritual accompaniment.

Still&Sail: February 2022

We're glad to share with you the first issue of Still&Sail: The Vocations Newsletter of the De La Salle Brothers of the Philippines.

This first issue features an abridged version of an article by Br. George Van Grieken FSC, where he shares his experiences with students and his reflections on our Lasallian Prayer: "Let us all remember..."

We hope that our monthly newsletter will be a meaningful space where we could be still, then sail on. (Br. Weegee Enriquez FSC)

The Bro Diaries: Transcending Borders

PHILIPPINES - In partnership with DLSU's Archers Network, we're glad to give you a glimpse of how the Brothers live their day to day life and how they continue to find life meaningful in many different ways.

Join Br. Iñigo Riola FSC from the District of San Francisco New Orleans as he shares how he continues to say #YesBro to our life today!

#YesBro #TheBroDiaries #DeLaSallePH #DLSBrothersPH (De La Salle Brothers of the Philippines Official YouTube Page)

Laying The Foundation Stone At Mae Hong Son

THAILAND - On the occasion of the Lasallian Mission’s 70th year presence in Thailand, the De La Salle Brothers and La Salle Sisters in Thailand traveled to the city of Mae Hong Son to lay the foundation stone for a new charity school (school for the poor) for the hill tribe students on 18 January 2022. Mae Hong Son is located in the northern part of Thailand and nine hundred kilometers away from Bangkok, the capital of Thailand.