39th District Council Meeting (DC39)

In Chinese tradition, the 7th day of the Lunar New Year is called, 人日 (Renri). It is a happy occasion celebrating everyone’s birthday. This year, 人日 fell on February 18. Coincidentally, it was also the date of a truly special and auspicious District Council (DC) Meeting.

The DC members met once again online to conduct the Chapter of Vows. This type of meeting brings a festive spirit to the whole of LEAD since 33 Young Brothers expressed their intention to renew their vows, while 2 applied for Perpetual Vows.

IFB And VPB Meetings

TheInitial Formation Board (IFB6) online meeting was held on January 26, Saturday, from 10:30 AM to 12 noon. This year we rejoice that 33 Brothers in temporary vows are due to renew their commitment, and 2 Brothers have applied for Final Vows.

In 2021, five Brothers will be preparing for the perpetual profession. Please keep in your prayers Brs. Abet Pia, Cliff Sy,Johnny Perapong,John Win Kyaw, and Paul Mata. Also, four Brothers were identified to participate in online Formation programs from Emmaus: Center for Psycho-Spiritual Formation and Accompaniment.

Courtesy Call With The New Nuncio

PHILIPPINES - We had a cordial meeting with his excellency, Archbishop Charles J. Brown, who recently arrived in the Philippines in November 2020. He is the new Papal Nuncio to the Philippines appointed by Pope Francis.

He joyfully shared with us his first volunteer year with the De La Salle Brothers in New York. He was very generous in offering his help and services in the Lasallian Mission including being invited to events hosted by De La Salle Philippines.

World Day For Consecrated Life 2021

What does it mean to be a Brother in the time of Covid-19?

Brothers from all over the world gave their thoughts and reflections as they continue to accompany each other as one Lasallian Family through these very interesting times. Click on the link or image to view the video playlist on YouTube.


#DeLaSalleBrothers #FSCVocations #ConsecratedLife #YouArePartOfTheMiracle #WeAreLaSalle #LaSalleWorldwide

L.I.V.E. LEAD - LEAD Refresh 2021 (Day 3 Recap)

L.I.V.E. LEAD (Lasallian Initiative for Volunteer Experience in LEAD) is a formation and volunteer development program for young Lasallians of Lasallian East Asia District (LEAD).

This year, the theme of L.I.V.E. LEAD is "LEAD REFRESH: Young Lasallians Working towards Recovery, Resilience and Renewal of the Lasallian Mission". This is a Young Lasallian Congress via video conferencing held for 6 consecutive Saturdays.

Here is the Recap of Day 3 (2021 February 6). Special thanks to Ms. Jeanne Carmel Puertollano for working on the video.