The Miracle Of Christmas Short Films

PHILIPPINES - The University of St. La Salle in Bacolod produced 3 short films on The Miracle of Christmas. Click on the images to view the videos in YouTube.

The Miracle of Christmas: The Greatest Gift
Generosity is at the heart of God. Jesus who became man and offered his life for us. This season, what is the greatest gift we can give? Are you willing to share even the little that you have? Our generosity to those who are most in need is a miracle of God through you. Will you be part of His Miracle?

A 3-Day L.I.N.E. Project With The Youth

MYANMAR - We are so blessed for being able to hold and successfully conclude a 3-day program for some youths who were able to attend in-person. For those who couldn’t be present, they joined the program online. This program was part of a L.I.N.E. (Lasallian InterNational Experience) Project conducted by Lasallian youths who participated in L.I.N.E. Program together with Br. Justine Nge Bo FSC (Vocation Promotor), Ms. Christine Soe Hlaing (LEAD Mission Council member) and Mr. Louis Kyaw Ko Ko (Lasallian Youth Coordinator) as facilitators.

Br. Paul Professes Final Vows

First time in HK after half a century

HONG KONG - December 8, 2021 is certainly one date the Hong Kong Lasallian family would never deign to forget as Br. Angelo Paolo “Br. Paul” Mata FSC had chosen it to be the day he said forever to the Brothers. For a sector that has not seen the rite of final vows of a De La Salle Brother in over fifty years, Br Paul’s profession in Hong Kong is, as one might say, precious.

LSA Peace Pole Dedication And Peace Education

PHILIPPINES - La Salle Academy (LSA) located in Iligan City, Lanao del Norte, Mindanao celebrated the 23rd Mindanao Week of Peace (MWOP) last November 25 to December 01, 2021.

In celebration of this momentous event, La Salle Academy in collaboration with the Office of the Vice-Principal for Student Management, Night High School and Lasallian Ministry Office, had a Peace Pole Dedication Ceremony (PPDC) witnessed by school community members through Zoom and Lasallian Media Facebook Live last November 26, 2021.

Hakodate Mission Club & Volunteer Club Visits Gaku

JAPAN - Today, after school, we made our first visit to Gaku, a school child-care center. The children, who range from 1st to 4th grade, not only greeted us warmly, but also seemed to get to know each other quickly and played recreational games for two hours. We had a good time with each other. We are looking forward to the future. - school-child care Gaku (La Salle Japan Official Facebook Page)

Kuya Center Cerve Session II

PHILIPPINES - Last Dec 4, 2021, our aspirants from Iligan and Lipa had their second online apostolic engagement with the residents of Kuya Center. The first picture shows the main theme of the engagement. A catechism class on Advent prepared by our aspirants with one invited contact as an observer. The second picture showcases the different drawing outputs of the residents to express how they can prepare for the coming of Jesus Christ.

Toy Reborn & Feeding HK

HONG KONG - In the spirit of Christmas, the Student Leadership Enhancement Programme of La Salle College conducted two outreach activities to benefit our less fortunate brothers and sisters.

Toy Reborn 2021 (in partnership with HK YMCA & La Salle Primary School) gave a second chance to donated toys which put a smile on the faces of the underprivileged children. #lasallecollegeofficial #Service #Community #LaSalleCares #ToyReborn #LSPS #PassItOn (La Salle College Official Facebook Page)

CGHC Jubilee Open Day

HONG KONG - Chong Gene Hang College is celebrating its 50th anniversary and its most recent function was a Jubilee Open Day on the 10th December 2021. The sun shone amid cool breezes.

First off there was a prayer service attended by all the guests and students. This was followed by a gathering around the statue of St La Salle where balloons, in the shape of a Rosary, were released into the blue sky.