LEAD Mision Council invites you to join LEAD CARES and L.I.V.E. LEAD

December 9, 2020
LEAD CARES Webinar 1: Moving Ahead in Times of Crisis and Uncertainty

A guide to how we can move ahead and an opportunity to know, understand and learn how fellow Lasallian institutions are managing.

December 10, 2020
LEAD CARES Webinar 2: Our Educational Mission and It’s Vitality

How Lasallian educators and administrators can strengthen their identity and respond to significant challenges whilst being true to our Lasallian heritage.

JANUARY 23 - MARCH 6, 2021
L.I.V.E. LEAD: LEAD Refresh Zoom Conference

A formation and volunteer development program for young Lasallians of East Asia District. This year’s theme of LIVE LEAD is LEAD Refresh: Young Lasallians working towards Recovery, Resilience and Renewal of the Lasallian Mission. Also as the District celebrates its 10th year anniversary, this gathering of young Lasallians in LEAD signifies their renewal of commitment to be at the forefront of change and action towards social transformation.