Conversations with Aspirants

The Aspirancy is an accompaniment program of the De La Salle Brothers of the Philippines offered to young men who continuously seek their vocation in life. They are guided by a Brother-Mentor and are invited to pray, learn, mission, and build healthy relationships with the Brothers and with one another.

FSC Vocations - Lipa: Yes Bro!

Truly last week was a week of commitment and love not only because we started the first week of classes and celebrated the birth of Mary, but we also have young Lasallians who expressed their desire to be part of something special that would make their lasallian journey more meaningful.

Last Saturday, September 11, six young men renewed their commitment and one joined for the first time into the Aspirancy Program.

Brother Mentors’ Gathering

The Vocations Ministry Office of the De La Salle Brothers of the Philippines organized the first Brother Mentors’ Gathering for vocations year 2021-2022. The session focused on the essential skills in accompanying Aspirants as they discern their vocation in life. It was facilitated by Br. Rey Mejias FSC, the Institute’s current Secretary for Formation.

18-Month Wait Bears Fruit

SINGAPORE - The two young Brothers, Miggy Crisostomo and Carlo Rementilla, scheduled to arrive in Singapore in November 23, had a pre-departure meet-up with Brothers Nicholas, Larry, & Antonio. Together, they discussed any last-minute concerns, planning not only for their future assignments in Singapore but also their continued involvement in the Philippines, if required. The Brothers in Singapore expressed their craving for “Ensaymada” f rom Mary Grace. (Text: Br. Michael Broughton FSC & Br. Antonio Cubillas FSC; Photo: Br.

The Blip Experience

PHILIPPINES - As a student of La Salle Academy for 12 years, it has always been a mystery to me who those men dressed in black and white are. Like most of us, we have come across these men once or twice, or maybe a few times in our school life. They were maybe our teachers, advisers, or just people we pass by at school. These men go by different names depending on who you ask but most of us call and address them as “Ber,” a nickname short for Brother.

CSKLSC Cemetery Visit

HONG KONG - As part of their Life Education Program, twenty-six Form 4 students visited St. Michael’s Catholic Cemetery in Happy Valley on the 9th of November 2021 together with Br. Mikey Cua, Ms. Ivy Choy and Mr. KY Kiang. Three volunteer cemetery receptionists for the day - Joseph, Thomas, and Teresa – shared with the boys the history of the Cemetery, the life stories of some notable people buried there, and some personal experiences. The students were impressed when they visited the graves of the late De La Salle Brothers.

Agricultural Volunteer Program

JAPAN - On October 16-17, the Hakodate La Salle Mission Club held a two-day agricultural volunteer program at Lola Farm, an organic farm, to deepen their interest in "food" through food loss. Every year, the theme of the training session remains the same: "What is the purpose of human life?” We think about it through food in this time. Rather than throwing away the vegetables harvested here at Lola Farm because they were out of specification and could not be sold, we thought that we could change something by cooking them.