Singer-Songwriter Brother

Songs are such wonders; they can inspire, uplift, and heal. The talent in bringing the lyrics and melody together to create a masterpiece is truly remarkable.

In Yangon, Myanmar, a young De La Salle Brother named Br. Josaphat Ai Saw Hung Htoo FSC writes songs about La Salle, family, love, etc. in English and Burmese languages. He composed “New Light of La Salle” and “Let Your Light Shine... Lasallians” to name a couple. Let’s get to know more about this budding singer-songwriter Brother and his music.

A ‘Unique’ Start To The New School Year In Hong Kong

Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) Primary School was featured in TVB’s programme ‘News Magazine’ on 5 September 2020. In this episode, the Principal, the Primary 1 teachers and parents shared their views about how to prepare for a new school year with challenges. ‘We can’t use the old methods or strategies anymore… ’ Brenda Wu, the Principal of CSKPS, said in the interview.

‘Think Globally, Act Locally’

The Hakodate La Salle Mission Club had their weekend training camp last September 26-27 at the Laura Farm in Hakodate, Hokkaido. It was a day of prayer, games, reflection and community building attended by 8 students, Mr. Deok Bosco Han and Br. Rodrigo Treviño FSC. With the theme, ‘Think Globally, Act Locally’, 22 Vietnamese internship trainees who are active in the local parish also interacted with the students and staff. Despite a forecast of strong winds and rains, the weather was clear until the end of the activity. (Text: Br. Aikee Esmeli FSC; Photos: Mr.


Congratulations to Br. Jeano Endaya FSC for being granted admission to Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT) for his Masters Degree in Sociology.

All the best, Br. Jeano!


LEAD Brother Visitor Donates His Plasma

PHILIPPINES - We would like to thank Br. Armin Luistro FSC for visiting our Blood Bank yesterday to donate his plasma.

When asked for his message to other potential plasma donors, Br. Armin remarked, "When I learned about the possibility of donating plasma, I said, 'If I recover, I think the least I could do to thank the doctors and the frontliners is to donate my plasma'. I think it would also be a good way of taking care of the patients who come to our hospital here in DLSUMC.”