Visiting The Residencia (Pastoral Visit)

I was privileged to live in the Residencia for a few days, starting 24th November 2019, visiting and sharing with the Brothers, ranging from ninety to those in their thirties. Andre is the sprightly ninety-year-old while Richie and Abet are the “young ones.” Mind you I got lost once or twice because there seems to be two of everything, two chapels, two dining rooms and two television rooms. The domestic staff were amused.

Launching of the Beyond the Borders: A Letter From The Brother Superior

Do not tire of going in search of those who find themselves in the modern “tombs” of bewilderment, degradation, discomfort and poverty, to offer hope for a new life. 

Pope Francis


Dear Brother Visitor, 

By this letter I announce the launching of the Beyond the Borders called for by the Body of the Society at the 45th General Chapter in 2014. You will recall two propositions came out of the 45th General Chapter.