Canonical Visit To La Salle Community Petaling Jaya

Br Armin Luistro, Visitor made a canonical visit to La Salle Community Petaling Jaya, Malaysia from December 8 – 10, 2019. There are five Brothers in this community, namely, Andrew Loke (Dtr), Augustine Julian, Lucian Ng, Ambrose Loke and Michael Kum. Br Visitor had a personal talk with each one of us and ended with a dialogue with the community as a whole. In between, Br Visitor slotted in a meeting with the Revitalisation Committee, another meeting with the SJIIM group and personal talks with a few other Brothers who were around. He maximized his time during this visit.

Closing Of The Tercentenary Of The Death Of St. John Baptist De La Salle

The Closing of the ceremony of the death of St. John Baptist De La Salle was organized by Brother Peter Boochert, the Director of Bangkok School. An evening mass was celebrated by the Redemptorist Priest who was the one presided the opening ceremony in November 2018. The ending remark was given by Brother Felipe, Auxiliary Visitor who represented Brother Armin, Visitor. The participants were old boys, alumni, teachers from four schools and the Brothers and Sisters in Thailand.

Brothers Of Malaysia Sector Assembly And Malaysian Lasallian Education Council 2019

Last 23 November 2019 at La Salle Hall in Petaling Jaya, fourteen Brothers in the Sector of Malaysia gathered for their Assembly. Br. Andrew Loke FSC, the one responsible of Brothers’ Affairs, welcomed the Brothers, invited them to share their ideas, get familiar with all the matters happening, and keep participating actively in the life of the sector. During the Assembly, Mr. Michael Simon, chair of the Project Revitalization of Schools of the Malaysia Sector, share what the committee has done until the present and invited the Brothers to keep supporting this project.

Inauguration & Blessing Of DLS-Bataan-security Bank Hall

St. Jaime Hilario School - De La Salle Bataan inaugurated the Security Bank Hall, a 6-classroom building donated by Security Bank Foundation, on November 20, 2019. Brothers, guests from Security Bank and the local government of Bataan, and members of De La Salle College (DLSC-Taft) high school batch 1961 came to witness the blessing and inauguration of the new building, which will be used by the senior high school department. Members of DLSC-Taft batch '61 also donated 27 brand new laptops during the said event. Mr. Rafael Simpao, Jr., Security Bank Foundation president, and Br.

Br. Ruben Caluyong FSC, New Chairman Of LARB

During the National Assembly of Religious Brothers in Tagbilaran, Bohol on 24-27 October, the Luzon Brothers elected Br. Ruben Caluyong FSC as the new chairman of the Luzon Association of Religious Brothers (LARB). He has been working with LARB for quite some time now, and was strongly endorsed by two of his close OSJ Brothers. In three years’ time, the LARB chairman automatically becomes the National Federation of Religious Brothers in the Philippines (NFRBP) president.

Congratulations, Br. Ruben!