by Br. John David M. Ong FSC
(text taken from the Community Letter of the Brother Visitor)
The Lasallian East Asia District (LEAD) Visitor, Br. Armin Luistro FSC, had his canonical visit to the Brothers’ Community in Ozamiz on December 5 - 7.
“Bright and airy, white and homey” - these were the initial feelings evoked in Br. Armin as he was welcomed in the Brothers’ residence. He expressed his gratitude to the Lord for the architect’s modern design, the hard work of all the laborers, the thinking and haggling, dreaming and funding from among the Brothers of the sector and of the community, both past and present.
He reminded the Brothers not to be distracted with the long punch list of items that would need to be completed, corrected or cleaned soonest from the more important task of building community and making the residence a real home where Brothers and guests may relax, rejuvenate and recenter so that together they may seek God and have the joy of together finding Him.
Br. Armin put high premium on the aspiration of the Brothers in Ozamiz to strengthen the fraternal bond that unites them as one community of Brothers witnessing to the good news that God desires for all to be saved. He also affirmed what the Brothers shared on fraternal bond as an essential component in vocations promotions as it is a most efficacious instrument in pursuing the Lasallian Mission.
The LEAD Visitor commended also the Brothers’ efforts to work closely with the local Church. He noted that it is impossible to carve out the Brothers’ ministry independent of the Church’s mission of evangelization.
He urged also the Brothers of Ozamiz to develop and invest in an effective formation program for the Lasallian Associates that would lead to sharing responsibility, accompanying leaders and authentically working together and by association for the mission.
Br. Armin requested the Brothers of Ozamiz to join him in prayer for the special intentions of the people of Hong Kong and for an awakening among the Brothers and the Lasallian Associates the missionary calling of going beyond the borders of their comfort zones.