Excerpt from the Article:
PHILIPPINES - In order to make the Lasallian mission more relevant and responsive, Lasallians from Mindanao expressed a strong call for gender and cultural inclusivity in a reflection gathering held at La Salle University (LSU), Ozamiz City, November 4 – 5, 2022. All three (3) La Salle District Schools in the island namely, De La Salle John Bosco College (DLSJBC) – Bislig, La Salle Academy (LSA) – Iligan, and LSU together with their pool of sector representatives compose the Mindanao reflection team in preparation for the Philippine Lasallian Family Convocation 2023 (PLFC23).
The septennial gathering has identified four (4) focused areas for the PLFC23 which is on Vitality, Identity, Transformation, and Association or ‘VITA’, meaning “life” in Latin, to emphasize the goal to transform lives by living with the Lasallian values and mission, and serve as a response to continue to dream.
Meanwhile, the consolidated reflection of the Mindanao Cluster will be discussed by the different delegates elected to represent a certain sector in the PLFC23, along with other La Salle schools all over Philippines in May 2023. (Text: Ms. Althea Louela F. Andrada - DLSJBC; Photo: Br. Butch Alcudia FSC)
Full Article: https://www.lasalle-lead.org/lead-stories/ mindanao-cluster-pooled-anew-calls-more-inclusivela-salle-2030