The Philippine Lasallian family again is on a new road as it enters the year 2023 with the need to respond significantly to the new normal opportunities and the new government leadership. After more than 100 years, the Philippine Lasallian family is undaunted in charting new directions to ensure the vitality of educational ministries in the sector. In the document, Lasallian Mission Moving Forward Plan, the Superior General, together with his Council, states:
"As the Institute navigates its way through this difficult crisis in the hope of building a better future, we invite each one to be part of the solution since every Lasallian has a vital role to play in the vitality of the mission. We encourage all to work, together and by association, to bring this hope to fruition.”
After the Philippine Lasallian Family Convocation in 2015, the Lasallian community is now setting new paths for new directions and vision for the next seven years in May 2023. The Philippine Lasallian Family Convocation 2023 (PLFC23) will serve as a lamp post. It brings new light and direction to new goals and vision for the Lasallian family, focusing on the Lasallian mission’s identity, vitality, and transformation.
Find out more: https://lasallianpartnerscouncil.org/plfc2023