
Brother Patrick’s recent visit to St. Joseph’s (SJIIM) in Malaysia was first and foremost about re-establishing the De La Salle Brothers’ presence in the school. The pleasure of students, staff and parents was palpable as Brother Patrick greeted the community daily on their arrival to school and at dismissal time. Children who normally rush in shyly with a hurried ‘good morning’ stopped deliberately to speak to Brother Patrick and he got to know quite a few in his short visit.


Due to Covid-restrictions, there were no large scale meetings. However, Brother Patrick had a full schedule and met with different parent and student groups across the school.  Brother Patrick attended an assembly with each year group across the Elementary School. He witnessed the students learning new actions to our, “We are Lasallian,’ song. Our Pastoral leader even built a quiz about his life so the students could get to know him and his work better. This really helped to build a connection with our younger students.


The Lasallian trail is a sequence of lessons that gives Year 7 students an opportunity to explore the Lasallian features of our school building. This year, Brother Patrick joined 7Y and 7L as they explored the school building. It was wonderful to have a Lasallian Brother explaining the different Lasallian features of our school and the students were eager to ask him lots of questions! Brother Patrick helped the students to understand that it is the people in the school building who make it a Lasallian community as we come together to live out the values of faith, community and service. Whilst visiting the High School, Brother Patrick also had the opportunity to visit lessons, meet teachers and meet the High School parent representatives.


Brother also met our Catholic Parents group, our Parent Support Group (PSG), the Parent Association (PA) representatives and the parent representatives from different segments of the school. The parents shared with Brother Patrick what they were grateful for about St. Joseph’s and what they hoped to see the Brothers’ support to develop further. Our Elementary parent reps even introduced him to the Malaysia tradition of tossing the ‘Yee Sang’ to celebrate Chinese New Year.  Brother also took part in the school’s evacuation exercise. (Text & Photos: Mr. Tony Lai)


Our community has this to say of Brother’s visit. 

“Our students loved interacting with him through daily conversions, in year group assemblies, and from the time that he spent visiting with different classes.  Brother Patrick shared personal stories about his life and was more than happy to answer questions about his earlier life as well as questions about his life today. His words really inspired our students and staff.”

Mrs Karen Willoughby, Lasallian teacher from the Elementary School


“The Catholic Parents community were eager to meet Br Patrick to learn about the many Lasallian and faith practices carried out in the other Lasallian schools. His humble and down-to-earth presence firmly rooted in faith, service and community was insightful. Madam Mak, Head of School, found Brother’s calming presence and wisdom uplifting and she is confident that the school will benefit much from Brother’s many subsequent visits.”

Ms Leanne Wee from our Catholic Parents’ Group

2020 March 19
Solemn Feast of St. Joseph, Husband of Mary

Dear Lasallians in the Frontlines,

Greetings of peace and well-being! We salute and support your gallant efforts to quell COVID-19 as you perform your responsibilities beyond the call of duty while putting yourselves at great risk. We stand in solidarity with you as part of the health and medical team directly assisting the sick and infected, or as researchers and scientists pressed to review test results or find effective antidotes to the virus, or as round-the-clock logistics and security forces, public servants and volunteers doing your share to reassure the public, restore and maintain order and provide much needed services to everyone.

We are one with you during this very challenging time and assure you of our fervent prayers as your fellow Lasallians in East Asia. We will especially remember you as we pause for a few minutes of quiet prayer daily to remember all Lasallians in the frontlines and to intercede for all those who are working earnestly in many different ways to provide solutions and address the challenges we face.

For you, all Lasallians in East Asia will gather together and by association in their respective homes and communities at around 5:00 p.m. beginning today March 19, feast of St. Joseph, Protector of our Lasallian Institute, and ending on May 15, feast of our Founder, St. John Baptist de La Salle. May the good Lord ever keep you in the palm of His hand. Live Jesus in our hearts, forever!

Fraternally yours,

Br. Armin A. Luistro FSC


Loving Father, our Lasallian Family draws near to you in fervent prayer for all those affected by COVID-19. 

In FAITH, we lift up to you our fears and anxieties and the sufferings of those who have been infected always remembering that even in our darkest hours we are in your most holy presence. 

In SERVICE, we beg you for strength and wisdom to do all that needs to be done knowing that we can be channels of your healing grace when we do all our actions for the love of you. 

In COMMUNION, we stand in solidarity with all the frontliners who risk their lives for others and pray for all medical teams and support personnel who earnestly seek its cure and provide remedy and comfort to those who are sick and most vulnerable. Most Loving Father we entrust our lives and the health and well-being of our families and communities to your care and protection for with you we will be safe and secure.







St. Joseph’s Institution International School Malaysia (SJIIM) recently celebrated its fourth batch of International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) scholars through a Scholarship Awards Ceremony on 27 September 2019. The event was graced by the SJIIM Board of Governors Chairman and Brother President of SJI Singapore, Dato’ Br. Paul Ho as the Guest of Honor and notable guests such as Dato’ Richard Ong who is a council member of the Tan Tan Sri Tan Foundation.

A time honoured Lasallian tradition, the IBDP Scholarship Programme is a cornerstone feature of St. Joseph’s Institution International Schools in Singapore and Malaysia. The scholarship programme is now in its fourth cycle and has been supported by many organizations and well wishers since its inception in 2016 and in particular, the Tan Chin Tuan and Tan Sri Tan Foundation who have been signifcant benefactors of the initiative.

Each of these scholars stood proud as they were called on stage to receive their Scholarship Award Certificates while being celebrated by SJIIM’s Board of Governors, Principals, invited guests, teachers, parents and students. The presence of Dato’ Br. Paul Ho as the Guest of Honour also exemplifies SJIIM’s unbriddled connection with SJI Singapore, the mother school of the SJI International Schools.

In his speech as the Guest of Honour, Dato’ Br. Paul Ho congratulated the recipients and reminded that the scholarship they have received is a result of their talent and intelligence and therefore, should also be used to make a difference to humanity. He mentioned that IBDP students need to be self-directed learners and yearn to learn for life. He akined this to the trait of the founder, St. John Baptist De La Salle and how he constantly looked to new ways to innovate schools which is one the hallmark reasons behind the longevity of LaSalle schools for over 300 years. In his closing remarks, Dato’ Br. Paul further urged the scholars to develop the habit of listening to others and to learn to give empathy to the perspective of other individuals and groups as this is what the world sorely needs today. 

An all-round enriching scholarship experience, the IBDP Scholars of this programme also had the opportunity to participate in a Lasallian Leadership Training Camp in the Philippines this year which focused on Lasallian Formation, Leadership Training and Service Work. This helped to prepare the school’s scholars as Senior Lasallian Student Leaders to serve the school’s community and the needy on their return from the camp.

Dr. Nicola Brown who is the High School Principal of SJIIM was also beaming with pride at the school’s latest scholarship awardees. She said, The support that the scholarship programme provides to students is invaluable and we are proud to be able to offer this assistance to these deserving recipients. Our fourth batch of scholars have been selected for not only for their academic potential but also for their commitment to our values and ethos. They are role models for our younger students and, as such, must represent the characteristics of true Lasallians who 'Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve'. We are proud to have them with us.”

The SJIIM IBDP Scholarship Programme is a unique outreach initiative of St. Joseph’s Institution International School Malaysia. It offers a 2-year scholarship to pursue the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in SJIIM. Applications are evaluated based on merit and means and all applicants are expected to be able to provide evidence of good academic performance and demonstrate active participation and leadership in service & co-curricular activities.

Applications will open again in November 2019 for SJIIM’s 2020/21 IBDP intake in August 2020. Interested applicants are encouraged to learn more about the programme by contacting the Scholarship Coordinator at:

For media inquiries:

Mr. Neoh Soon Ken
Director of Business Development
Contact No: +603 86053605; +6016 4758308

On 19-21 August, St. Joseph’s Institution International – Malaysia (SJIIM) held the Lasallian Formation Camp 2022. Below are some personal sharing of experiences from the students about their sessions and activities:




My experience at the Lasallian Formation Camp 2022 was positive, enlightening and truly memorable; not only was I able to bond with my new classmates prior to the beginning of a new academic year, but I was also able to learn so much about myself, service and leadership from the sessions presented to us. Our sessions were filled with thought-provoking questions, fruitful discussions and moments of reflection. In addition to these in-school activities, we also visited the RPX Boys’ Home in Petaling Jaya, where we conversed with the boys about their school lives and hobbies, and we even played a couple of fun games like Charades and Mafia with them! By the end of the camp, I had learned so much about choices, character, leadership and service – the experience was nothing short of enriching (and incredibly fun)! Thank you!


Alysa Marcellus




As a new student joining the St Joseph’s community this year, Lasallian Formation Camp taught me more about a Lasallian school and its services. On the first day, Isaac told us about the origin and core values of a Lasallian school and the life of John Baptist De La Salle. It was my first time in a Lasallian school, and the first session was a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the core Lasallian values and John Baptist De La Salle’s devotion to educating children in history.


The next day was a full, packed day in the camp. We explored diversity and our personalities with Ryan and Kahon through different activities. It was fascinating to look at the differences and similarities in our personalities. On the second day, we also visited the RPX home, where we had an exciting time with the boys of our age, playing different games and introducing ourselves. We shared our hobbies, favourite things and even our future passion. The last day was a time to reflect on the previous two days and talk with our seniors about the choices in their life.


I enjoyed all the fun and informative sessions over the three days. It was great to spend time with my new friends at St Joseph’s. Even though we were very awkward and quiet at the start, the Lasallian formation camp bonded us together. Overall, the Lasallian Formation Camp will be a precious memory throughout my two years doing IB, and I will never forget it. The Lasallian Formation Camp was a great way to start IB at St Joseph’s!


Kyeongryn Kim

Year 12



As a new student in St. Joseph, the formation camp has taught me a lot about St. John Baptist De La Salle and the core Lasallian values he gifted us. Despite the fact that he was born in a wealthy family, he always cared and was determined to bring the poor boys quality education. This then slowly led to thousands of Lasallian schools worldwide. I’m honoured to be part of the community and am deeply inspired to serve with integrity.


We also got a chance to visit the RPS home, where we met many affable boys who were thrilled to share and know more about us. Many of them were as interested in our school and daily lives as we were in them. It brought joy to both the boys and us for the weekend as we played many of our childhood games, laughing through the jokes they’ve made. This surely has boosted my social communication skills and confidence. Besides, I got a chance to meet and familiarise with a group of new peers, leaving my worry behind. Overall it was an unforgettable experience providing me with many key values for the future.


Tan Yi Qian




    The Lasallian Formation Camp was very refreshing to me! After a long break from the two stressful years of IGCSE, it was exciting to start school with a new year group. We got to learn about De La Salle’s story on the first day, and on the second we learnt about important leadership qualities. We even did a simple personality test and got into groups to learn more about our personality types, and once we were done, we headed off to the boys home.

 It was a bit nerve-racking as I was worried how our interaction with the boys would go, and because I have not been able to go on a trip like that for a long time due to covid and exams, but they were very welcoming and friendly. We played lots of games with them, like mafia, charades, splat, and more. The boys were very open to talking with us, which I am very grateful for, as I managed to learn more about their interests and aspirations. The home was also very kind to treat us to some traditional desserts and serve them to us; I am not too sure of the name of the food, but it was very delicious.

The final day we reflected on our actions and discussed our thoughts concerning the visit. We were taught about the importance of choices, and shared stories about hard choices we ourselves had to make in the past. Overall, I really appreciate the opportunity I got to socialize with new people, both my year group and the boys at the home, and the chance to learn new things in the sessions. I do hope I get more opportunities like this in the future, as it was a great learning experience for me.


Francine Phang




The Lasallian formation camp from the 19th to the 21st of August was truly a refreshing, diverse, and reflective experience.


On the first day, we met new students for our new academic year, along with Mr. Isaac to lead our first session: Saint De La Salle’s life story. Not only were we told of La Salle’s journey of starting schools for the less fortunate, but we were also given many opportunities to discuss and inquire about his intentions, actions, and results. Sparking interesting conversations between us, we could better appreciate La Salle’s motive and objectives. Furthermore, we reflected upon “why” we were taught our founder’s story and “what” we took away from it. We realized that La Salle selflessly displayed all 5 core Lasallian values. He was also virtuous; always practicing humility, community awareness, resilience, and many more. He inspires me, I aspire to also carry out these virtues in my daily life and while doing services.


Unfortunately, I fell sick and couldn’t join the second day when everyone else visited Rumah Pengajian Xavier home. However, I was able to catch up on the final day by listening to my friend’s observations and feelings during their visit. From the reflection, we learned that inclusivity and compassion are important while getting to know our new friends at the home.


My highlight of this camp is the final sharing session: Choices. It was eye-opening listening to Mr. Kahon talk about “life being a series of choices.” Changing our mindset while making choices could change our intention behind each thing we do. We also listened to our Lasallian chair people, as well as a few fellow classmates’ experiences on making choices. I learned that we all had difficult decisions to make, but each person’s perspective and priorities make our choices distinct from one another. There is no right or wrong choice.


Overall, I am grateful for the discussions, reflections, and sharings from this leadership camp, which allowed me to bond with my classmates and bring a new mindset into my IB year.


Low Mei Ting




Through the Lasallian Formation Camp, I've learned that leadership was an important element which we learn from experience. For instance, we were able to portray our leadership qualities, such as teamwork and communication skills through our group game discussions for our visit to the RPX boy’s home, which was a fun and exciting experience for me.

Furthermore, learning about De La Salle’s story, and listening to our alumni, Dish, and Kahon's experiences in making choices in life made me realize that even though we may make the wrong decisions at some point, we must still have the determination to not give up.

Overall, everyone at the Lasallian Formation Camp had high spirits and with the guidance from the Ipoh Lasallian Team and our schoolteachers, we were able to become closer as a community where we will be there for one another.


Caithleen Eng




The Lasallian formation camp was an exciting and memorable experience for me. It was a great opportunity to get to know my classmates and to learn about our school. St John Baptist de La Salle’s life story, told to us by Isaac, was fascinating and inspiring. It gave me some insight into the principles that our school is built upon. In addition, the sessions on leadership and our personalities allowed me to connect with my classmates and reflect on my own character. I ended up in a group by myself at one point as no one else had the same personality type as me, but at the end of the activity I realized why we had been divided in this way, as our characters were displayed by the work we did. We also went to the RPX boy’s home for service learning. When we were asked to come up with icebreakers and games to use, I was initially intimidated by the prospect of organizing games in such a short period of time. However, I was surprised at how well the day went. The boys were very friendly, and we all had a lot of fun. Overall, it was a very valuable and fun experience.


Jen Ying Ng


MALAYSIA - In conjunction with the 170th Anniversary of the arrival of the De La Salle Brothers in Malaya in 1852, the La Salle Brothers Malaysia in collaboration with the Malaysian Federation of Lasallian Alumni Associations (MFOLSA) organised a Thanksgiving Mass at St John’s Cathedral at 10.00am on Saturday, November 12, 2022.

The main celebrant at the Thanksgiving Mass was Archbishop Julian Leow, a Lasallian from St Paul’s Institution, Seremban, with Fr Patrick Massang, another Lasallian from St Michael’s Institution, concelebrating.

In 1852 three members of the La Salle Brothers set foot in Penang and established the first La Salle School in this country, the St Xavier’s Institution. Soon Lasallian schools proliferated throughout the land with no less than 80 primary and secondary schools during the pinnacle years in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. The Brothers earned the respect of all – teachers, students and their parents. Tens of thousands of Malaysian youths received qual i t y wholesome education.

The Lasallian Heritage, with its characteristic ethos, has a very special meaning for all whose hearts were touched by the La Salle Brothers. For the love of the La Salle Brothers and the need to preserve quality, well-rounded education for posterity, the Lasallian alumni have rallied to take up the challenge to continue the “Journey”.

Archbishop Julian in his sermon said, “170 years of an Institution is not a short time. We are here to celebrate the Anniversary of the presence of the La Salle Brothers here in Malaysia. However, the journey has not been easy. Beginning 170 years ago, coming to the shores of Malaysia, I am sure the Brothers at that time had a very challenging journey. The challenge continues up to today as we just have to look around us too, the number of La Salle Brothers in Malaysia are few. It is a matter of time before we have no more Brothers in Malaysia if nothing is done!”

He posed questions to the congregation, “Have our La Salle schools become irrelevant? Have our Mission Schools lost their ethos, heritage? What are we to do today?”

“Your theme says it all, ‘Building New Paths, Transforming Lives’. The Magi, the wise men of the East returned by a different way. We have to find new pathways to be relevant again.”

Archbishop Julian in his message in the souvenir program for the 170 years celebration penned, “The La Salle schools have played a significant and crucial role in Educating our Nation wholistically. Catholics and those of other faiths were drawn to the teaching profession because of these La Salle Brothers. Their dedication and continuous support for the education and future of the students have produced all round citizens from academics and teachers right up to businessmen and entrepreneurs. Their focus was not only in academic results but also in other activities which would build their character. They are the natural melting pots of races, faiths and cultures that must be strengthened and enhanced. Lasallians are very faith oriented and believe in a meaningful life “Indivisa Manent” (Permanently Indivisible) a tag line which holds dear to their faith and way of living.”

This is indeed the moment for Celebrating Our Heritage as a part of the Lasallian Family in Malaysia. It is this recollection of our Faith Journey, moved by the original inspirations of John Baptist de La Salle in the 17th century, 300 years ago still echoes deep in our hearts for Building New Paths in the 21st century. The purpose of our endeavours over the years, firmly rooted in our Spirit of Faith, has been our commitment in Hope to Transforming Lives and especially today, with the urgent need for a new creativity and vitality. This is the meaning and process for our common understanding of a renewed Educational Service in the context of Malaysia.

In the evening a Gala Dinner was held at Royale Chulan Hotel at 7.00 pm. The Guest of Honour was HRH Sultan Nazrin, the Sultan of Perak Darul Ridzuan. (Text: Mr. James Sia; Photos: Mr. James Sia & Br. Mikey Cua FSC)

MALAYSIA - In 1852, six De La Salle Brothers arrived in Asia through the Straits Settlements, specifically Singapore, with the hopes of establishing schools that would cater to the needs of the faithful. Upon their arrival in Singapore, three of the six Brothers then headed to Penang to establish the first Lasallian school in Asia, Saint Xavier’s Institution. It is noteworthy that while Penang was the site of the first school founded by the Brothers, the Brothers began their first ministry in Asia in Singapore at what was known as Saint John’s, eventually renaming it to Saint Joseph’s Institution in 1867.

Fast forward to 2022, 170 years later, Brother Antonio, Brother Carlo and Brother Miguel took the same steps as the first three Brothers in Penang from Singapore. Their visit to Malaysia was in response to an invitation from the La Salle Centre in Ipoh to have students and teachers interact with young Brothers and for the Brothers to share and promote the three Lasallian core values of Faith, Service, and Community. Moreover, the visit to Malaysia was an opportunity also for the young Brothers to experience the Lasallian mission and family in Malaysia as they, together with Singapore, celebrate 170 years since the first arrival of the Brothers in 1852.

In total throughout their 12-day stay in Malaysia, the Brothers visited to six (6) schools and two (2) branch schools, namely:

  1. Saint Xavier’s Institution in Penang
    1. SXI Branch school along Jalan Sekolah La Salle
    2. SXI Branch school along Pulau Tikus
  2. Saint George’s Institution in Taiping
  3. Saint Michael’s Institution in Ipoh
  4. La Salle School in Petaling Jaya
  5. Saint Francis Institution in Melaka
  6. Saint Andrew Primary and Secondary Schools in Muar, Johor Bahru

Throughout their visit to West Malaysia, the Brothers from the sector of Singapore were welcomed with pomp, joy, and enthusiasm by the different Lasallian communities. What was common throughout the visit was how warm the welcome was every time they visited a certain community. The uniqueness and the vibrancy of the local culture were showcased each time a school presented their performances, such as the flanking of the uniformed student personnel and the school military bands that played school rallies and hymns, as the Brothers entered the schools.

The highlight of the visit were the students. Each time the Brothers addressed the school or a group of Lasallians, the students were first and foremost acknowledged as they are the purpose of the Brothers’ visit. It was a meaningful engagement as the Brothers not only shared about the core Lasallian values, but their story on how they became De La Salle Brothers and what makes them want to live out the rest of their lives as Brothers. It was through this encounter that the Brothers hoped to ignite a spark of renewed interest in the life of the Brothers.

Moreover, the Brothers met and conversed with the different Lasallian partners from the different regions of Malaysia, who were responsible for the strengthening and the promotion of the Lasallian culture in the different institutions. In their dialogue and conversation with them, it was clear that they are desiring for a more visible presence of the Brothers in the different schools as they see them as the animators of the Lasallian values.

Another group that the visiting Brothers met throughout their stay in Malaysia were the Old Boys, who were also filled with enthusiasm and hope to meet the Brothers. In the Brothers’ conversations with the Old Boys, they, too, echo the call for more Brothers to come visit, and even work in Malaysia. In the stories of the Old Boys, they recall how the Brothers were excellent teachers and, indeed, bigger Brothers to them. It was the Brothers who inspired them to become the best persons they can be through how the Brothers taught them, and how they treated them when they were students. It was a walk down memory lane for the Old Boys who dearly missed their Brother-teachers. In addition to their stories of the Brothers, the Old Boys also shared with the visiting Brothers about the role they play in keeping the Lasallian ethos and tradition alive as they recall the words drilled into their minds: enter to live, leave to serve. They live up to this spirit as they continue to serve the mission as members of the Board of Governors in the schools, raising funds to help develop and maintain the schools they continue to call their home, and to ensure that the place they call home will be a home for students who walk in its hallways. Yes, the Lasallian mission is enduring, forging ahead after 170 years, inspiring Brothers and Lasallians throughout the sector. The mission is alive!

The Brothers came back to Singapore with grateful hearts to those who made their visits to the students and the schools successful and with a greater awareness and perspective of the Lasallian mission in LEAD. May the God who guided the first missionaries to the Straits Settlements bless the sector of Malaysia and the congregation with Brothers who will willingly bring the joy of the Gospel with fervent zeal and unyielding faith to create a community who will forever serve the last, the lost, and the least, making the kingdom of God ever-present and truly alive in the world today and in the future. (Text: Br. Miggy Crisostomo FSC; Photos: Br. Miggy Crisostomo FSC, Br. Carlo Rementilla FSC, Mr. James Sia)

Some local news articles of the Brothers’ visit: (click on the titles to visit the webpage)

  1. Two Students Win School Excellence Awards
  2. SAS Muar Owes Excellence To Dedicated Teacher
  3. Catholic Brothers Shore Up Lasallian Fellowship
  4. Catholic Teachers Remembered for their 120 Years of Service at St Francis Institution

MALAYSIA - On the last day of September, 30th, Malaysia’s sector online assembly started with 6 Lasallian Partners and 18 Brothers, including Brothers Armin, Visitor, Patrick, and Antonio from the leadership team.

Brother Visitor thanked the excellent, committed, and passionate engagement of many Lasallian Partners and Alumni in the rich history of the sector while stressing the importance of Lasallian Partners in their role as collaborators with the Brothers and supporting them in their leadership roles in the future of the Lasallian Mission in Malaysia and LEAD.

On the threshold of the 170th Anniversary of the Lasallian presence in Malaysia, March 2022, our Lasallian partners presented initiatives that contribute to the meaning, purpose, and joy of the Lasallian Mission, past, present, and future. In the context of this Anniversary and to emphasize the Lasallian Heritage in the 39 Lasallian Schools in Malaysia, three main objectives were identified: 1) put forward and emphasize the Lasallian ethos in each of the schools’ celebrations; 2) Organize Lasallian formation sessions for all students and teachers, and 3) prepare action plans by answering the question of how the Lasallian Mission can build new paths to transform lives after 170 years.

La Salle Center in Ipoh, at the heart of the Lasallian formation, especially for the young, presented the main areas of their mission of building and developing programs, communications, collaboration, and partnership with external organizations. One of the key concerns is how to respond to the challenges of sustainability, viability, and succession planning towards their future in the context of the Lasallian Mission.

The Malaysia Lasallian Educational Council, in its journey of renewal, presented the new organizational chart that will prioritize the collaboration of the five local Lasallian Educational councils with the other local and sector organizations. To foster the Lasallian Ethos in the schools, they will implement the adapted Lasallian Identity Criteria in the fourth quarter.

The Revitalization Project involves the Brothers, Lasallian Partners, and selected external partners to revitalize Lasallian Schools under the Ministry of Education after the changes in the 1970s and ’80s. Working together with the Education Ministry, this project is a concrete response to emphasize our Lasallian charism by taking direct leadership in the school which would become private, without government funds. Two Lasallian schools have been earmarked for the pilot project.

In the last part of the Assembly, the Brothers shared their mission and life. Finally, they were invited to contribute to the reflection of the 46th General Chapter as a sector of LEAD.

Special thanks to Br. Edmon Viroomal FSC, who took the minutes of the Assembly. (Text & Photos: Br. Antonio Cubillas FSC)

The Brothers in Sabah had the opportunity to meet Brother Armin, individually and as a communally during his canonical visit to Sabah on 25-26 February at De La Salle Butitin, Nabawan.

During the community meeting Brother Armin highlighted two points. Firstly, he brought a question for reflection “How can we as Brothers of Sabah do things as a community?” The Brothers should be seen as a fraternal community where our apostolic life is also shared. Secondly, he urged the Brothers to think as a District instead of merely a parochial community of Sabah. The Brothers community in Nabawan is part of a larger community of LEAD as well as in the Institute.

Brother Justin Mobilik and Brother Peter Ng will be joining Brother Egbertus Joikul to form a new community at De La Salle Butitin Nabawan officially by May 15, 2020. (Text & Photos: Br. Egbertus Joikul FSC)



It has been an annual tradition to have a special Easter Issue featuring photos, both serious and not so serious, of the annual Holy Week retreat held in Malaysia (Hotel Equatorial, Malacca), Philippines (Benilde Retreat and Conference Center), and Thailand (Redemptorist Center, Pattaya).

Special thanks to the retreat facilitators this year: Br. Aidan Kilty, Br. Jorge Gallardo, and Br. Vincent Pelletier. Kudos also to the retreat coordinators: Brs. Andrew, Alex, and Francisco. Thanks to Br. Ranier for collecting these photos and posting them online. Happy Easter and enjoy the photos! (More photos in this link: https://

Excerpts from my letter to the Lasallian Family in Malaysia:

“I was inspired by the efforts of your sector to revitalize the Lasallian Schools through active engagement in their governance by Brothers and Lasallian Partners through their respective school boards. Formally organized as the Malaysian Mission Council with the five regional councils represented, it has been an effective structure that has prioritized the Lasallian ethos as the essential spirit that distinguishes the Lasallian school from any other. This year, we can definitely refine and improve this organizational structure and further clarify the different degrees of membership and accountabilities of the many categories of schools. We can also begin serious discussions on how to further animate the alumni associations so that their strong ties and loyalties with their respective Alma Maters could further grow from active engagement in fundraising and supporting school projects into a more solid commitment to advance the Lasallian Mission in the country, in East Asia and in the world.

I was energized by the creativity and innovation of those who sought to respond to other educational challenges of learners that could not be addressed by the existing mainstream programs. Those pioneering adventures and stories of courage of Brothers and Lasallian Partners (several of whom come from other faith traditions) need to be retold especially as they journeyed to the peripheries, encountered the new poor and revolutionized traditional pedagogical methods in response to these specialized needs. Those initiatives are worth documenting as they can provide us and future generations of Lasallians with models on how the Lasallian mission may be contextualized in our times.

I was moved by the very palpable Lasallian Spirit that continues to burn brightly in the hearts of alumni, teachers, and students within an environment that does not always share the same priorities, values and aspirations of the Lasallian Family. This dynamism could not thrive without an effective formation program for youth and adults which your sector has invested in for close to three decades now. When one takes stock of what has been accomplished during those years preceding LEAD and then the foundational years after its inception, we can only look back in gratitude for the great things the Lord has accomplished through you. While we have yet many things to accomplish, it is also good for us at this time to pause and celebrate.


I wish to borrow Br. Barthelemy’s advice to a Brother who was then experiencing depression following the death of the Founder: “No, dear Brother, ...I forbid you to die... Do not be saddened any more by this, because he to whom you cry as dead, is alive and in peace.” In unity of mind and heart, I join all of you in prayer that our gracious God would grace us with the same spirit with which he gifted the first Lasallians so that we, too, could dare venture into the deep, for indeed, while a boat in the harbor is safe, it is not what boats are built for.

Let us continue to live and celebrate today the 300-year legacy of St. John Baptist de La Salle in East Asia!”

(Photo: Br. Andrew Loke FSC)

A fire occurred at the Brothers Bungalow at 1pm yesterday, 30 June 2019. No one was hurt in the fire. The fire, however, destroyed the building's timber structures and flooring including the entire roof.

The Bungalow is about 10 km from St. Francis Institution.

Bomba, the Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia, responded to the emergency call and has put out the fire.

Investigations are under way. We will provide further updates as more information is available.


26 February - 1 March 2023
La Salle Centre, Ipoh, Malaysia

MALAYSIA - The Lasallian Encounter was held from 26 February to 1 March. The theme this year was 'Embracing Jesus’.

We had 9 boys from 3 schools who participated in this program. They appreciated the focus and attention of having a small group environment provided for them.

The Encounter started with a Mass on 26 February with Rev. Father Robin, a Redemptorist, as the presider. Brothers Collin (from Singapore) & Arian (from the Philippines) facilitated the programme and they shared many insights into the life of the Founder and what it means to live out our Catholic faith. Their stories and input inspired the boys.

There will be a virtual follow-up with the boys on the 19th of May 2023. Thank you Brother Collin and Brother Arian for your time and your presence, and your willingness to accompany these boys. (Text & Photos: Isaac Stephen Anthonysamy)

Experience of the boys:

My experience of the La Salle Encounter was very fun. Not only did I deepen my faith in God but also learned more about my school's Founder who is St. John Baptist De La Salle who didn't give up for the sake of one's future education.

During the camp, I made lots of best friends. Although some might be from Klang and Melaka, we got along quite well. We played football, walked around Ipoh, sang praise and worship, and stayed up late getting to know each other. It was worth it staying up late.

Besides making friends, we got to know two brothers - Brother Arian from the Philippines and Brother Collin from Singapore. The life stories they shared were truly eye-opening for us. Although the sessions were just listening to them, they sometimes told jokes that were really funny and cracked us up.

Last but not least, we got to feed the homeless. It wasn't planned at all but we decided to share the abundance we had with them. I felt sorry and sad looking at their living conditions. Nevertheless, they try to protect and support one another during these trying times. (Steven Cheong)


The La Salle Encounter experience was amazing, fun, and adventurous. I got to meet many friends from different states. We all ended up getting so close in just those 4 days. The talks by Brother Collin and Brother Arian gave me a lot of mind-opening thoughts about ourselves and our Founder, St. De La Salle.

Why I say it was an adventure is because I learned to travel alone for the first time to Ipoh from KL. Honestly, it was a great experience. Probably one of the best camps I've been to in my entire life.

Sadly, the camp has come to an end and I miss every single one of you. This is also the first and the last La Salle Encounter camp I will be attending because I won't be around next year due to my final exams (SPM). I gained a lot of knowledge about my faith from this camp. I thank you all for the experience and fun you've given me. I hope to be a part of other camps with more Lasallians attending. (Christopher)

MALAYSIA - On the 12th November 2022, Lasallians gathered at Royale Chulan Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to celebrate the 170th year of Lasallian presence in the country. This milestone is attributed to the first De La Salle Brothers, who worked hard to provide a Christian and Human Lasallian education which started in Penang and spread out to different places in Malaysia. This event is also a good reminder of how the ever-dedicated Lasallian partners like the old boys, teachers, staff, and students continue the Lasallian legacy.

The special event started with simple pre-prandial and viewing of the visually appealing and informative exhibit that tells the rich heritage of Lasallian presence in Malaysia. It was followed by the Gala Dinner attended by prominent individuals who are part of Malaysia's fruitful and vibrant Lasallian journey.

The event catered to almost 500 guests, including the De La Salle Brothers from Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Singapore, the Brother Visitor of Lasallian East Asia District (LEAD), Br. Patrick Tierney FSC, Mr. Michael Simon, the President of Malaysian Federation of Lasallian Alumni Associations (MFOLSA), Peter Van Acker, the Belgium Ambassador, Ms. Virginie Bioteau, the Charge D’Affaires of the Embassy of France, and the very special guest, HRH Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah, the Sultan of Perak, who is a former student of St. John’s Institution.

A video greeting from the Brother Superior General, Br. Armin Luistro FSC, was also shown to the guests. He mentioned that this milestone's blessings are attributed to the ever-supportive Lasallian Families, as they continue to be the bearers of the light to the Lasallian students by providing world-class education in Malaysia. The Brother Superior General also wished that this mission of being the light bearers still continues especially when the people are in the darkest hour of their lives.

The LEAD Brother Visitor, Br. Patrick Tierney FSC, also shared some messages of thanksgiving and hope. He hopes and prays that the Lasallian spirit planted in each heart 170 years ago will never die. He reminded all the present Lasallians at the event that they are the heirs and the bearers of this Lasallian spirit, and this spirit may continue to inspire and produce more Lasallian gentlemen and women of tomorrow.

The guests were entertained and serenaded by various artists like the Black Stallion, a popular comedian and entertainer in Malaysia.

The last part of the program was calling all Brothers on stage, having the ceremonial cake-cutting, and the recognizing the Old Boy Associations who selflessly contribute to the continuing legacy of the De La Salle Brothers in Malaysia. (Text: Br. Eugene de Luna FSC; Photos: Mr. James Sia & Br. Mikey Cua FSC)


Click the 170th Anniversary logo to view the exhibit panels on the LEAD Website. Credit goes to Mr. James Sia who worked tirelessly to produce these wonderful panels.

Early Brothers of St Xavier’s with Br Aloysius Gonzaga Pin (Brother Director of SXI from 1879 to 1898)

MALAYSIA - March 29, 2022: On this day, 170 years ago, six pioneering La Salle Brothers - Br Liefroy Bajon, Br Lothaire Combes, Br Venere Chapuis, Br Gregory Connolly, Br Switbert Doyle and Br Jerome King arrived in Singapore from Antwerp. Brothers Liefroy, Switbert and Gregory stayed in Singapore while their three companions set out to Penang to inaugurate the Lasallian establishment there, the school which was to flourish under the title of the great Jesuit missionary, St Francis Xavier.

The Covid-19 pandemic has crippled the world. We experience a number of movement control orders and very strict SOPs enforced by the government due to the Delta and now Omicron variant. With sadness and disappointment, the Lasallian Family in Malaysia were unable to organise any meaningful events to commemorate the very significant date on the Malaysian Lasallian calendar.

Nevertheless, with borders opening on April 1, 2022, the Malaysian Federation of Lasallian Alumni Associations (MFOLSA) is confident that we can proceed to organise events and programs during the 3rd and 4th quarter of 2022.

MFOLSA in collaboration with the La Salle Brothers will be organising a series of events to commemorate 170 Years of La Salle Mission in Malaysia. There will be a Malaysian Lasallian Educators Conference in Taiping, Perak from September 8 - 10, 2022.

A 170 Years La Salle Golf Classic is planned for the 3rd Quarter of 2022. And a Thanksgiving Mass at the Church of St Francis Xavier, Petaling Jaya followed by 170th Year Gala Dinner is scheduled for the last Quarter of 2022. (Text & Photos: Mr. James Sia)

Xavier’s Institution
Picture of St Xavier’s Institution in early 1900. However, during World War II, the building was bombed and badly damaged and had to be demolished

Xavier’s Institution
Current St Xavier’s building


Br Armin Luistro, Visitor made a canonical visit to La Salle Community Petaling Jaya, Malaysia from December 8 – 10, 2019. There are five Brothers in this community, namely, Andrew Loke (Dtr), Augustine Julian, Lucian Ng, Ambrose Loke and Michael Kum. Br Visitor had a personal talk with each one of us and ended with a dialogue with the community as a whole. In between, Br Visitor slotted in a meeting with the Revitalisation Committee, another meeting with the SJIIM group and personal talks with a few other Brothers who were around. He maximized his time during this visit. May God grant him good health to continue his work.

Last 23 November 2019 at La Salle Hall in Petaling Jaya, fourteen Brothers in the Sector of Malaysia gathered for their Assembly. Br. Andrew Loke FSC, the one responsible of Brothers’ Affairs, welcomed the Brothers, invited them to share their ideas, get familiar with all the matters happening, and keep participating actively in the life of the sector. During the Assembly, Mr. Michael Simon, chair of the Project Revitalization of Schools of the Malaysia Sector, share what the committee has done until the present and invited the Brothers to keep supporting this project. The Brothers also reflected on Direct Educational Services for the Poor (DESP) program and how they could keep supporting initiatives for the poor that most of them started by initiatives outside La Salle but came together to embrace the Lasallian charism with support of the Brothers and Lasallian Partners. Towards the last part of the Assembly the Brothers had time to reflect on community restructuring. Not an easy theme for reflection yet, they arrived to a preliminary decision and were open to keep talking about it in the next gathering. 

After a Western Style lovely lunch, six Lasallian Partners joined the Brothers for the Education Council (Mission Council). Our Lasallian Partners responsible for each area of Malaysia shared the achievements and challenges in those groups of schools. The spirit of zeal for the Lasallian Mission was very evident. 

The Lasallians in charge of the alumni federation and other committees joined the Brothers and council members for dinner and celebrated another aspect of our community life as Lasallians committed to the mission. (Text & Photos: Br. Antonio Cubillas FSC)




The Lasallian Encounter is a vocation programme for catholic students between the ages of 15-19 that is held annually by La Salle Centre, Ipoh. This years' programme with the theme Jesus Our Illuminator, brought together 17 young men and 2 educators from 6 Lasallian schools within Peninsular Malaysia. It was held from the 24th to the 27th of May 2019 and was facilitated by Brs. Allan Buenavista FSC and Chuck Magno FSC, along with Isaac Stephen. 



Part of the programme included an exposure to marginalised communities in the surrounding area. The participants had an opportunity to later share their experience and then develop their own plans to reach out to the less fortunate in their respective surroundings. 

"There are two ways to spread happiness; either be the light who shines it or be the mirror who reflects.” - Edith Wharton

Live Jesus in our hearts, forever! (Text & Photos: Mr. Isaac Stephen)

On 17-19 June 2019, the Singapore Brothers had their annual retreat at La Salle Hall, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Fr. Winai Boolue, SJ facilitated the retreat. Brs. Paul Mata FSC and John Winkyaw FSC renewed their temporary vows.



(Photos: Br. Paul Mata FSC)

Excerpt from the Article:

MALAYSIA - As part of the school’s Founder’s Day celebrations, St. Joseph’s Institution International School Malaysia (Tropicana PJ Campus) was visited by Brother Patrick Tierney in May 2022. The visit, which lasted almost a month, also enabled Brother Patrick to attend the school’s IB Diplom a Graduation Ceremony, marking the joyous occasion of the Year 13 cohort graduates finishing their IB Diploma before heading off to universities around the world. (Text & Photos: Mr. Tony Lai Chee Hoong)

Link to our Founder’s Day video here:

MALAYSIA - In the midst of Malaysia’s Movement Control Order or “Lockdown” in 2020, a box was found in the Archive Room. It was not labelled. It was hidden. It was nearly marked for disposal. It turned out to be a copy of the lost Original Text...

Find out more by watching this video:


MALAYSIA - “Lasallians In Action” is the theme of the 2021 Lasallian Encounter, which was held on 10-12 September.

There were nine Lasallian Schools present: St. Joseph's Sarawak, St. Martin's Sabah, St. Francis' Malacca, St. Paul's Seremban, St. John's Kuala Lumpur, La Salle Petaling Jaya, La Salle Sentul, St. Michael's Ipoh, St. George's Taiping with a total of 39 participants.

B r o t h e r s M a r v i n a n d E d g a r f a c i l i t a t e d t h e L a s a l l i a n E n c o u n t e r together with Brothers Mark, Matthew, Joshua and Myron.

There were 3 main parts of the program - Self Encounter, Encounter with De La Salle and World Encounter. The sessions were all interactive.

Our thanks to the Brothers once again for making the Lasallian Encounter a meaningful one. We thank our tech support team, Justin Royan and Clifford Miranda. (Text: Mr. Isaac Stephen Anthonysamy; Photos: La Salle Centre Facebook Page)

Click on the link to view the sharing of two participants about their Lasallian Encounter experience:

MALAYSIA - St Xavier's has this long tradition of practising "concern for the poor and social justice" in its own way. In the early days it was, 'bring some rice and canned food for the poor'. It then morphed into 'let's all cook something and sell it to others for a profit and then donate the money to the poor [usually St Joseph's Orphanage and Little Sisters of the Poor home for the aged]. Then it morphed again to do the same and more [game stalls, etc] for one week. This year 2021, it had to take on another form because of the pandemic - online sales of merchandise and sale of food for one month. I would say it was the most successful Charity Drive in the history of the programme as we managed to collect RM 78,000 [about USD 18,000]. The Board has decided that the funds will be disbursed to the usual recipients and also to the poor students within the school community. (Text: Br. Jason Blaikie FSC; Photo: St Xavier's Boards of Governors Facebook Page)

Ever wonder how many La Salle Brothers lived and taught in SXI since 1852?

In line with the 170th Anniversary of SXI, Br. Jason and company went to research for it. They checked the old and new registers and compiled the list. To know the answer, click on the image below to view the short video on YouTube.

MALAYSIA - This blog of “The Xaverian Journey” (TXJ) was launched virtually by Dato’ Brother Anthony Rogers FSC on 3 December 2020 - the Feast Day of St Francis Xavier, the great missionary, who is the Patron Saint of St Xavier ’s Institution. Brother Rogers is one of the co-authors of the book “The Xaverian Journey: the Story of a Lasallian School in Penang Malaysia 1787-2019” (Penang: Southbound, 2019). (Text & Photo: Dr. Francis Loh)

PETALING JAYA: The spirit of Christmas was shared by a multiracial Lasallian fraternity during a fellowship here.

“A Christmas Evening with Lasallians” was hosted by the Malaysian Federation of Lasallian Alumni Associations at La Salle Hall in Lorong 5/15B here, just opposite SMK La Salle in Seksyen 5 on Sunday.

The guests of honour were La Salle Brothers of Malaysia director Brother Andrew Loke and Brother Lucian Ng.

Present at the facility, part of the La Salle Provincialate, were association president Michael Simon, event organising chairman K. Paramjothy, activities chairman James Sia and secretary Don Darrell Augustine.

Sia said the evening was attended by youths and seniors from the 19 alumni associations nationwide.

“The youth’s role is important to keep activities like these alive to foster racial unity in our society. These are the youth who will take over the leadership from us seniors, who are an ageing lot,” said Sia of the event, which was complete with carols and a dinner.

He said they were fortunate to have La Salle Hall, which had been refurbished, complete with rooms for social functions and training seminars.

“The facility has a tennis court and 18 rooms for daily rental. La Salle Hall is also spacious for garden parties,” said Sia, who is former president of the Franciscan Club of Kuala Lumpur.



On 28 October, the members of the Lasallian family at La Salle School Klang, Malaysia had a memorial service for Br. Harold ‘Harry’ Reynolds FSC. He was a former Director there. Klang is about 40 km from PJ Brothers’ House.

It was followed by the unveiling of the statue of St. John Baptist De La Salle, which came from the Philippines. (Text & Photos: Ms. Irene Tan)




SJIIM 2019 IBDP Graduates with Mr Nikodemus Jaya, Ms Desiree Leong, Mr Ian Chai, Mr Dennis Tang, Dato' Richard Ong, Dr Nicola Brown and Ms Maureen (centre)

Excerpts from the Article:

Petaling Jaya, Malaysia (31 May 2019) - St. Joseph’s Institution International School Malaysia (SJIIM) recently held its 2nd IBDP graduation ceremony at its Tropicana PJ Campus auditorium. The ceremony which was attended by scores of graduates, parents, sponsors, teachers and VIP guests was graced this time by 3 unique Guests of Honour namely Mr Ian Chai, Ms Desiree Leong and Mr Nikodemus Jaya who were all founding SJII Singapore Scholars and are currently successful professionals in their respective industries in Singapore.

SJIIM's Nicol Yong receiving the Josephian of the Year Award and Tan Sri (Dr) Tan Chin Tuan Book Prize Award. With her is (left) Mr. Dennis Tang, SJIIM President and (right) Dato' Richard Ong, Council Member of the Tan Sri Tan Foundation

The Guests of Honour congratulated the graduates on completing their IB Diploma with flying colours. In their graduation address, they advised the graduates to be steadfast in their perspectives for whichever career path they take for the future and to suffuse their work with meaning and purpose. One of the Guests of Honour, Ms Desiree Leong who is a Legal Consultant at the Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics (HOME) agency in Singapore commended SJIIM on the tremendous strides it has taken in producing well rounded graduates in such a short period of time for a young school. SJIIM’s IBDP graduates also had a special opportunity to chat with, Ms Desiree Leong, Mr Ian Chai and Mr Nikodemus Jaya earlier as a tea reception was organised for the three Guests of Honours to meet the graduands before the Graduation Ceremony; during which they shared their respective post IBDP experiences and addressed questions raised by the graduands.

The ceremony concluded with two musical performances by the graduates along with the singing of the school rally at the end. Everyone in attendance were also treated to a graduation dinner after the ceremony to celebrate the graduates’ success. (Text & Photos: Mr. Neoh Soon Ken)

Ms Maureen and Dr Brown (left) with some of SJIIM's IBDP High Achievers

Excerpts from the Article:

Petaling Jaya, Malaysia (9 July 2019) – Students of St. Joseph’s Institution International School Malaysia (SJIIM) once again surpassed all expectations by producing outstanding results in the recent 2019 International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) examinations.

30% of its IBDP students obtained 40 points and above which should place them in the top 10% of worldwide results. SJIIM also achieved an overall average score of 37 points, far above the 2018 IBDP Global Average of 29.8 points and significantly higher than the 35.4 point average across Malaysian schools offering the IB Diploma Programme in 2018. Their stellar results are a fantastic achievement considering that this is only SJIIM’s second IBDP cohort.

Top SJIIM IBDP Scorer Chong Ying Xuan with her results
Top SJIIM IBDP Scorer Chong Ying Xuan with her results
Top SJIIM IBDP Scorer Chong Ying Xuan with her proud parents
Top SJIIM IBDP Scorer Chong Ying Xuan with her proud parents

SJI IM’s achievement resonates wi th the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme’s standing and it enjoys a very high level of respect and recognition among the world’s higher education institutions. For students, success in the IBDP often results in advanced standing, course credit, scholarships or other admissions-related benefits at top universities worldwide. Today, more than 5000 schools worldwide offer IB programmes.

In celebration of SJIIM’s outstanding IBDP results, SJIIM will be offering additional scholarships to deserving students entering the IBDP August 2019. For additional information, please refer to ibdp-scholarship-programme.
(Text & Photos: Mr. Neoh Soon Ken)


27th July, we celebrated 30 years of the Lasallian Youth Conventions in Malaysia. We had 190 people made up of past participants of the conventions, De La Salle Brothers and Alumni of our Lasallian schools in Malaysia. It was a great night of reminiscing. Many friendships were rekindled especially those who were meeting their friends after 30 years. It was indeed a great meeting of the old and the young with many interactions. Our thanks to all those who supported by attending this dinner, by sponsoring students and tables. And finally a big thank you to the ORGANISING TEAM!!! (Text: Mr. Isaac Stephen; Photos: W.X. Soon




Excerpt from the Article:

Petaling Jaya, Malaysia (16 August 2019) - The students of St. Joseph’s Institution International School Malaysia (SJIIM) have secured outstanding scores in the recent Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) examinations. Overall, the results recorded were excellent and bested even the impressive inaugural set of IGCSE results it achieved in 2018.

37% of the grades achieved were graded at A* while 69% were graded at A*- A which is an outstanding achievement. Meanwhile, 88% of the grades achieved were graded A*- B and an unbelievable 97% were graded at A* - C. This achievement is also very impressive given that it is significantly higher than the world IGCSE examinations result average in 2018. There was further cause to celebrate when it was revealed that 96% of the students who sat for the IGCSE examinations achieved a minimum 5A* - C grade for all their subject papers which assures them of their further education pathways.

The top scorers for SJIIM were Emily Ng Siew Zhang and Joey Chee who both scored an amazing 10A* respectively. They were ecstatic and credited their success to the learning experience in SJIIM. Emily Ng, who will also be continuing her studies in SJIIM under the IBDP said, “My 3 years in SJIIM as a founding student has been a really great experience as I learnt so much academically and more importantly, developed and grew as a person, along with my classmates. The IGCSE was truly a rewarding experience for me.”

Joey Chee, who will be furthering her studies in the UK, also echoed Emily’s sentiment, “My time in SJIIM has been a wonderful experience with supportive teachers and a very strong sense of community. I am extremely grateful to have gone through my IGCSE in the conducive environment that SJIIM creates for its students.”

311-sjim-2.jpg 311-sjim-3.jpg
Emily Ng Siew Zhang
Top Scorer with 10A
Joey Chee
Top Scorer with 10A

The Cambridge IGCSE is the world’s most popular international qualification for 14 to 16-year-olds. It is recognised by leading universities and employers worldwide and is an international passport to progression and success. Developed over 30 years ago, it is tried, tested and trusted by schools worldwide and is used as the high school academic assessment by top international schools around the world including SJIIM. (Text & Photos: Mr. Neoh Soon Ken)

MALAYSIA - The January 2023 Happenings video of SXI is now live on YouTube! Click the image to view the video.

Watch, comment, like and subscribe to our channel for updates and happenings at SXI.

(St. Xavier's Boards of Governors Official Facebook Page)

MALAYSIA - After two years of muted celebrations due to Covid-19, the annual Butitin Family Day has returned along with several activities. This year the simple celebration was held on 29th October 2022. De La Salle Butitin (DLSB) is a students hostel and accommodates students from surrounding remote localities. Aside from thanksgiving, the celebration was also to foster cooperation and collaboration between, DLSB and the Lasallian family which includes the parents, alumni and our benefactors.

Recognizing the importance of collaboration with parents in improving learning outcomes for the boarders, the programme started with a two-hour session with parents. Inputs were given by Brother Egbertus, Mr. Francis Vincent Tahip and Mr. Richie Japar on Lasallian education and the importance of a healthy and strong partnership between parents and the hostel staff. It continued with a dialogue between DLSB staff and the parents.

In the opening speech the chairman of the Butitin’s Board of Management, Datuk Johnny Kulai emphasized that collaboration between parents and the staff of DLSB becomes a catalyst to improve boarders’ academic achievement, work habits, social skills, and emotional well-being.

Singing the Alma Mater and cultural presentations from the boarders were very much appreciated by the guests. The boarders prepared some dishes while parents and alumni also brought different varieties of foods. The sharing of food has given opportunity for the guests and the boarders to experience a real-time conversation and bonding. (Text & Photo: Br. Egbertus Joikul FSC)

MALAYSIA - On 19-21 August, St. Joseph’s Institution International – Malaysia (SJIIM) held the Lasallian Formation Camp 2022.

Visit the official LEAD website to view some of the students’ personal sharing of experiences about their sessions and activities. (Photos: Mr. Isaac Stephen Anthonysamy)

MALAYSIA – Brother Felipe’s visit served to further develop trust and hope in the St. Joseph’s Institution International Malaysia (SJIIM) community. The ongoing commitment and presence of the Brothers in SJIIM have helped to settle a challenging situation. When having lunch with Brother Felipe before he left, he said that part of the Brothers’ role is a ‘mission of presence’. The presence of the Brothers truly has been a gift for us at SJIIM and has further developed our community.

Brother Felipe was the inaugural speaker in the Parents’ Support Group’s (PSG) breakfast speaker series, C.A.R.E. He led a very heartfelt talk titled, ‘Change and Parenting.’ He shared expert professional advice with parents, but most importantly, he facilitated sharing and discussion among the parent community. Due to the impact of Covid-19, the parents have had little opportunity to visit the school so Brother Felipe’s talk provided the perfect occasion for them to reconnect and discuss some important issues.

Whilst Brother Felipe was at SJIIM, he was also able to learn about and provide support to both students and parents leading some important service projects. A key parent-led service initiative over the last couple of years has been the KitaKitar group. So far, KitaKitar has led some incredible service projects such as the ‘Walk in their Shoes’ and ‘Plant Joy’ which has supported the Orang Asli tribe and a local boys home respectively. For Founder’s Day this year, KitaKitar will be designing and selling a sustainability themed SJIIM calendar to support the National Stroke Association of Malaysia. Brother Felipe attended a presentation by this parents group to learn more about their project. Additionally, a group of Year 11 students introduced a ‘Hunger Knows No Barriers’ project which involved raising money and collecting food parcels for a local soup kitchen. This project was part of their Lasallian Education curriculum and Brother Felipe got a chance to work first-hand with our students in class and in their Lasallian Youth Movement after school programme.

Before his final day, the parents honoured him, and our out-going Head of School, by planting them a tree in the school grounds. We look forward to nurturing it and watching it grow. Brother Felipe will hopefully be back to visit it - and SJIIM - often. (Text & Photos: Mr. Tony Lai)

MALAYSIA - Amidst the pain and sorrow of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Brothers of St. Xavier’s Community and a few members of the Lasallian Family in Penang gathered to bid farewell to Br Stephen. It was a sad but a meaningful Eucharist at the Church of the Risen Christ in Ayer Itam.

There were only a few of us there but we know of the ways in which Br Stephen had touched thousands of lives in his unique way. Msgr Aloysius Tan (the Parish Priest of the Penang City Parish) in his homily recalled his encounters with Br Stephen at the La Salle Learning Centre Penang as a young adult. It was not his eloquence that stood out but his caring presence to the needs of others.

Despite Br Stephen’s frail health over the years, he made time to be with us at the events in the school, the Community and with friends. This fitting farewell to him is an event to be remembered not only by those who were here in Penang but by those who were touched by his life. This was his gift to all of us. (Text: Br. Anthony Rogers FSC; Photos: Mr. Tony Wong, Mr. James Koay; Video Tribute: Ms. Sharon Lim)

MALAYSIA - On 15th April 2021, representatives from the Board of Governors of St Xavier’s Institution, Penang presented about RM13,000.00 worth of grocery vouchers to about 130 of our most underprivileged children from our three St Xavier’s schools in Penang.

A simple presentation ceremony, following the necessarily strict SOPs of the new normal, was organized by all three schools on the same day.Representing many grateful donors and the Board, Brother Jason handed out the vouchers to the students personally in the presence o f representative from the Board and teachers. It is hoped that this simple gesture will provide some relief to the financial burdens faced by hard-hit families during these difficult economic times caused by the pandemic. (Text & Photos: Mr. Tony Wong)

SJIIM High School Principal, Dr Nicola Brown and IBDP Coordinator Ms Maureen Fitzgerald (seated centre) with some of the top scorers who obtained 40 points and above

For the third year running, students of St. Joseph’s Institution International School Malaysia (SJIIM) once again produced outstanding results in the recent 2020 International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) examinations.

29% of its IBDP students obtained 40 points and above which should place them in the top 10% of results worldwide. SJIIM also achieved an overall average score of 35 points, far above the 2019 IBDP Global Average of 29.7 points. These result statistics are especially good considering that the students have completed their IBDP studies in challenging and unnatural circumstances given the COVID-19 pandemic gripping the world this year.

The top IBDP scorer for SJIIM, Justin Hew Kin Jun, scored 43 points. He was over the moon with his results and credited the school for helping him to achieve it, “My educational journey in SJIIM is one that is so vivid and profuse in meaningful experiences that I will forever cherish. Among those were the unrelenting support given by the teachers amid the curriculum, the student body that engendered the Lasallian ethos through service and other kinds of activities. In SJIIM, the notion of inclusivity is consistently enforced, thereto no student is precluded from customary interactions and interpersonal relationships. This is precisely what constitutes a great school environment that advocates its students to ‘Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve’. A big thank you to my dedicated teachers for helping me to do well for the IBDP. I couldn’t have done it without you.” For the next step of his education, Justin Hew will be furthering his tertiary studies in the area of Physics and Maths at a top foreign university.

SJIIM’s Top IBDP Scorer, Justin Hew with his proud mother
SJIIM’s Top IBDP Scorer, Justin Hew with his proud mother

Anissa Ng Wan Cheng, one of SJIIM’s IBDP high achievers scored 40 points and attributed the unique educational environment she experienced as the reason for her success, “Studying at SJIIM taught me that education was more than just about academic grades. Our LaSallian values challenged us to use our gifts and passions to make a difference to others. At SJIIM, I had a great balance of rigorous academic study, fulfilling and exciting extracurricular activities. Throughout the IBDP, there was lots of support from my teachers, year mates and seniors which helped me to persevere and develop my character. I am truly grateful to have been awarded a scholarship at SJIIM to experience the IBDP.” For her tertiary studies, Anissa Ng will be heading to the University of Bath, UK for her BSc (Hons.) in Psychology degree.

SJIIM’s achievement resonates with the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme’s standing as it enjoys a very high level of respect and recognition among the world’s higher education institutions. For students, success in the IBDP often results in advanced standing, course credit, scholarships or other admissions-related benefits at top universities worldwide. Today, more than 5000 schools worldwide offer IB programmes.

Dr Nicola Brown, the High School Principal of SJIIM, was pleased with the good results and was very proud of their achievements. She added, I want to congratulate our graduates for their courage during these unprecedented times. There has been much anticipation for the results this year following the cancellation of the IBDP examinations. We are incredibly proud of the way our students have managed this challenge and the results they have achieved. We wish them well in the next chapter of their education as they move on to universities overseas or here in Malaysia. Congratulations to the SJIIM Class of 2020.”

Maureen Fitzgerald, the IBDP Coordinator of SJIIM, was also beaming with pride at the performance of her charges. She further said, “After a difficult term and much uncertainty, I am so proud of our students and their successes with these results.  They have shown a great deal of resilience and fortitude, and community spirit in supporting one another. They have worked hard for the results that they have earned, and I feel very fortunate to have been able to share in their celebration today."

For more information about SJIIM’s IB Diploma Programme, please visit

Relevant Chinese name:
(八打灵再也Tropicana 院校) :          
St Joseph’s Institution International School Malaysia (Tropicana PJ Campus)

For media inquiries:

Mr Neoh Soon Ken
Director of Business Development
Contact No: +603 86053605; +6016 4758308

SJIIM_s Top IBDP Scorer, Justin Hew obtained an impressive 43 points
SJIIM's Top IBDP Scorer, Justin Hew obtained an impressive 43 points


Left to Right: Lim Lay Guan, Sitoe, Lim Choon San, Murugan, Victor Tan, Br Jason

The Malaysian government has decided that examination classes [Form 5 and 6] may resume schooling on June 24. The school community has been busy preparing for the first day back since our version of the ‘lockdown’ commenced in mid-March.

The school grounds have been cleaned and recleaned, and are now marked with social / physical distancing markers and reminders.

A group of former students from the class of 1984 passed the proverbial hat around and generously donated 80 litres of disinfectant to be used with special pedal dispensers. The new SXI Principal Mr Murugan received the donated items.

Meanwhile, the Parent Teacher Association is spearheading the sales of special reusable SXI face masks. 50% of the 1000 plus masks sold will be given back to those in need in the school. The PTA also plans to initiate a ‘food aid’ programme to benefit about 100 students. (Text & Photos: Br. Jason Blaikie FSC)

PETALING JAYA: They may have long retired but thanks to the spirit of Christmas, these “forgotten” former La Salle teachers were brought together and honoured for their past contributions.

Leading the chorus of appreciation for the nearly two dozen ex-teachers was the Malaysian Federation of La Sallian Associations and Xaverian Club of Kuala Lumpur (XCKL).

Federation president Michael Simon said that despite the changes in the education system and La Salle schools over the years, the “old boys are still working to keep the spirit of the schools alive”.

“This is the time to honour and remember each and every one of you who have dedicated your lives to the cause of education. We will never forget your grand efforts, ” he said in his welcoming remarks at an Italian restaurant here on Saturday.

XCKL past president Jason Ong, who mooted the idea for the gathering, said it was apt to honour the La Salle teachers on the occasion of Christmas.

“You are the ones who instilled in us the spirit of brotherhood and good values. We are what we are today because of your teachings.

“There can be no better time than Christmas to say a big ‘thank you’ to all of you, ” he said in his address.

Ong said he had organised past events to honour the La Salle Brothers, adding that it was time now to cherish the teachers themselves.

Among the teachers who attended was Lee Kah Chee, who at 86 was the oldest of the lot.

Despite his deteriorating health and failing memory, the gritty former teacher from St Michael’s Institution in Ipoh came with his walking stick.

“I was determined to be a part of the reunion with my ex-colleagues and students, ” said Lee, who underwent brain surgery some time ago.

Former teacher of the St Xavier’s Institution in Penang, Michael Quah, 76, shared his enthusiasm for “continuing to learn and to give back to the community by being a driven and passionate individual”.

“Teachers devoted their life for the growth of young children and the ethos of the La Salle Brothers is about nurturing life.

“I spent the later parts of my life painting and being actively engaged with everybody, including my grandchildren who may think I’m a nuisance, ” he added as the others laughed.

Another ex-teacher of the school, Antony Gomez, who taught English and literature, said: “I treasure my formative years at St Xavier’s both as a student and a teacher because the interest I developed there was maintained for the rest of my career and my life.”

He spoke fondly of his regular meet-ups with former students, whom he said visited him often at his home.

St Francis Melaka alumnus James Sia underlined the sense of belonging that has driven the La Salle brotherhood over the years.

A strong believer of La Salle’s mission of providing education to the poor, he said education was key in bringing people out of poverty.

“In school, the senior boys guide the young ones. We used a mentoring approach and hopefully, the government recognises this. Our ethos has not changed much, and the mentoring still continues, ” he said.

Despite the meagre salary of teachers in the past, Sia said they were motivated by their passion to make an impact on students’ lives.

“Back in the early days, teachers were paid very little, probably RM30 to RM40, and the schools were surviving on donations.

“It is passion that drove the educators and because of that, we still have the sense of belonging to go back to school, even today, ” he said, adding that after leaving school in 1972 he still returned every now and then.

A former student of St Michael’s Institute in Ipoh, Angeline Lazaroo, said mission schools instilled a strong sense of culture among its students.

“We often give bursary to our students and sponsorship for clubs like musical instruments or any repairs and financial assistance.

“Mission schools also believe that the heart of education is the education of the heart, ” she said, expressing her pride in being a Michaelian.

To add to the festive air, the teachers wore Santa caps and danced and clapped as a Christmas choir group entertained.


SJIIM scholars together with (from left.) Ms. Maureen - IBDP Coordinator, Mr Dennis Tang - President of SJIIM, Dato' Br. Paul Ho - Guest of Honour, Dato' Richard Ong - TST Foundation Council Member and Dr Nicola Brown - SJIIM High School Principal

Excerpts from the Article:

St. Joseph’s Institution International School Malaysia (SJIIM) recently celebrated its fourth batch of International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) scholars through a Scholarship Awards Ceremony on 27 September 2019. The event was graced by the SJIIM Board of Governors Chairman and Brother President of SJI Singapore, Dato’ Br. Paul Ho as the Guest of Honor and notable guests such as Dato’ Richard Ong who is a council member of the Tan Tan Sri Tan Foundation.

A time honoured Lasallian tradition, the IBDP Scholarship Programme is a cornerstone feature of St. Joseph’s Institution International Schools in Singapore and Malaysia. The scholarship programme is now in its fourth cycle and has been supported by many organizations and well wishers since its inception in 2016 and in particular, the Tan Chin Tuan and Tan Sri Tan Foundation who have been significant benefactors of the initiative.

An all-round enriching scholarship experience, the IBDP Scholars of this programme also had the opportunity to participate in a Lasallian Leadership Training Camp in the Philippines this year which focused on Lasallian Formation, Leadership Training and Service Work. This helped to prepare the school’s scholars as Senior Lasallian Student Leaders to serve the school’s community and the needy on their return from the camp.

The SJIIM IBDP Scholarship Programme is a unique outreach initiative of St. Joseph’s Institution International School Malaysia. It offers a 2-year scholarship to pursue the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in SJIIM. Applications are evaluated based on merit and means and all applicants are expected to be able to provide evidence of good academic performance and demonstrate active participation and leadership in service & co-curricular activities. (Text & Photos: Mr. Neoh Soon Ken)

Dato Richard Ong and Dato Br Paul Ho together with the TCT Foundation - SJIIM Scholars

MALAYSIA - Before the year 2021 ended, a YouTube video came out featuring a De La Salle Brother from LEAD. He is singing a Tagalog song, but he is not a Filipino. Who can pull this off? Well, he’s none other than Br. Egbertus (Jaikul Severinus Tating) FSC, a Malaysian Brother currently assigned in Sabah, Malaysia. Let’s find out more about him and his original composition.

LEAD Story (LS): May I know how the song came about? What's the story behind it? Br. Egbertus (E): The song comes from my reflection during the pandemic and I thought of putting that experience in a song. In the time of the pandemic schools in Malaysia were closed and our hostel at De La Salle Butitin was also closed and that left me in a one-man-community most of the time. The pandemic brought a feeling of anguish, desolation, fragility, discouragement and all kinds of experiences of ups and downs. In spite of all these, I still see a light which becomes a source of inspiration, hope and encouragement to continue to live even being alone. In my personal prayer and reflection, I experience God as the light.

LS: Why compose this song in Tagalog? E: It was composed in English and I thought of singing it in other languages and what came to my mind was Tagalog. I have asked Brother Butch and his friends to have it translated into Tagalog. I have some other recorded songs in different languages such as Malay, Kadazan, Dusun, Murut and English.

LS: What message would you like to share with the listeners? E: When we experience sadness or emotional pain associated with feeling of disadvantage, loss, despair, grief, helplessness, disappointment and sorrow, we can turn it into prayer. In prayer we will be able to see a light. We experience God’s love.

 Ang Sinag Ng Araw.jpg

Tagalog Version

English Version

MALAYSIA - On 23 August, I received a message from my school Principal. It read, “La Salle Centre is organising a session "Being A Lasallian Educator” on 9th October. This is for all new teachers in La Salle. I would like you to attend.” The message came with an attachment. The invitation was aimed at 3 groups of people:

LS educator

I may be a new teacher in La Salle Secondary PJ (3 months) but I am not new to Lasallian schools. I was 11 years as a Lasallian student and then was blessed to get my first posting as a teacher in La Salle Primary PJ, bringing to a grand total of 16 years in La Salle. Thus, I wanted to revisit the Lasallian story.

Is there a difference teaching in a Lasallian institute and other schools? This was the question I asked myself after signing up for this event. In the course of my 25 years as a government teacher and having taught in 5 schools, did I portray the vision and mission of St. John Baptist de La Salle? I hoped to get answers during the forthcoming programme.

LS educator 2

I was pleasantly happy to see a diverse group of educators in the room. The keynote address by Dr. Gerard Louis and the 3 panelists (school principal, school teacher, and university lecturer) were so enriching and uplifting. I got the answers that were floating in my head and heart. Yes, I have been on track these 25+ years even during the years I was not teaching in a Lasallian institute. The message and testimonies throughout the 2 hours from the panel and participants said one thing. Head level is important, but heart level supersedes it all.

I thought the session was well organised and enriching and would definitely attend future events.

SAPIENTIA ET CARITAS (Text: Mr. Eugene Morais - Teacher, La Salle Secondary PJ; Photos: Ms. Coreen Paul)

Excerpts from the Article:

SIBU, MALAYSIA: The late Brother Albinus O’Flaherty, who is the former principal of Sacred Heart Secondary School, will have a road named after him.

The State Government, according to Sibu Municipal Council (SMC) chairman, Clarence Ting, has approved the application of renaming Jalan Oya to Jalan Brother Albinus on Oct 15.

“The portion of the road to be renamed begins from Jalan Oya (KPJ Sibu Specialist) and ends in front of SMK Sacred Heart traffic junction (about 1 km) including its eight lanes,” said Ting.




MALAYSIA - November 13th, 2022 was a historic day for St. Xavier's Institution. Our book, entitled “St. Xavier's Institution: A Documented History” and the SXI Heritage Centre were launched by Tuan Yang Terutama Tun Dato’ Seri Utama Ahmad Fuzi.

Find out more about SXI! The November Happenings video in SXI is now live on YouTube! (Just click on the image) Watch, comment, like and subscribe to our channel for updates and happenings at SXI. (St. Xavier's Boards of Governors Official Facebook Page)

Excerpts from the Article:

MALAYSIA - Brother Patrick’s recent visit to St. Joseph’s (SJIIM) in Malaysia was first and foremost about re-establishing the De La Salle Brothers’ presence in the school. The pleasure of students, staff and parents was palpable as Brother Patrick greeted the community daily on their arrival to school and at dismissal time. Children who normally rush in shyly with a hurried ‘good morning’ stopped deliberately to speak to Brother Patrick and he got to know quite a few in his short visit. (Text & Photos: Mr. Tony Lai)

Full Article: lead-stories/br-patrick-tierneys-visit-sjiim

MALAYSIA - Whilst COVID has had tragic direct impact on people’s lives and livelihoods, there is some positivity to share from Penang.

Shastri A/P Mani Kumar, a current Form 6 student of St Xavier’s Institution, Penang, lost her father in January 2021. Her mother and eldest sister lost their employment shortly after. In typical Xaverian fashion, the proverbial Lasallian hat was passed around and our Xaverians of year 1979/81 & Lasallians of year 1975/77, collected a total of RM11,770.00 within one week. This amount will be disbursed to the family over a span of 15 months in smaller tranches. The Alumni is also assisting to find job placements for both mother and daughter for family financial sustainability and independence. The family was very grateful for the financial aid and assistance rendered by our ever-helpful alumni.

As soon as home visits were allowed by the prevailing COVID regulations, some representatives from the class of 1979 / 1981 visited the home of the family to distribute some vouchers and to say hello and lift their spirits. (Text & Photos: Br. Jason Blaikie FSC)

Shastri and family
Shastri and family


Centre from left: Mrs Maureen Fitzgerald and Mdm Mak Lai Ying Frances together with the 2020/21 IBDP Scholars

Excerpts from the Article:

MALAYSIA - St. Joseph’s Institution International School Malaysia (SJIIM) recently celebrated its fifth batch of International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) scholars through a Scholarship Awards Ceremony on 8 October 2020. The event was organized in ‘new normal’ fashion with notable virtual guests such as SJIIM’s Board of Governors, Ms Yap Su-Yin, CEO of the Tan Chin Tuan Foundation and the proud parents of the scholars attending the event via Facebook Live for the very first time in the school’s history.

A proud Lasallian tradition, the IBDP Scholarship Programme is a cornerstone feature of St. Joseph’s Institution International Schools in Singapore and Malaysia. The scholarship programme is now in its fifth cycle and has been supported by many organizations and well-wishers since its inception in 2016 and in particular, the Tan Chin Tuan Foundation who have been significant benefactors of the initiative.

SJIIM’s Head of School, Mdm Mak Lai Ying Frances congratulated the scholars in her speech and presented the certificates personally to them as they were called on stage to receive their Scholarship Award Certificates. It was certainly a surreal ceremonial experience for the scholars as they stood proud on stage while being cheered on physically and virtually by SJIIM’s Board of Governors, Head of School, guests, teachers, parents and students. (Text & Photos: Mr. Neoh Soon Ken)

Click on the link for the full article:

PETALING JAYA, MALAYSIA - One of the most dedicated old boys of the La Salle schools fraternity, Don Darrell Augustine Jayasekare, lost his battle with cancer.

Don Darrell, who had just celebrated his 52nd birthday with family and friends on September 20, died at his home in SS2, Petaling Jaya at 12:54 pm last Saturday.

His trademark was his instant captivating and striking broad, gleaming smile whenever he met someone, thanks to his decades of customer care service in the food and beverage industry.

Don Darrell was the Malaysian Federation of Lasallian Alumni Associations (MFOLSA) honorary secretary, chairman of the Board of Managers of La Salle Sentul (Primary) School, chairman of the Board of Governors of La Salle Sentul (Secondary) School and also La Salle Sentul Old Boys’ Association honorary secretary for a good number of years.

Following wake services at his home the last two nights, Don Darrell was given a funeral mass at the Church of St Francis Xavier in Jalan Gasing, before being cremated at the MBPJ crematorium in Kampung Tunku today (Tuesday). It was attended by scores of old boys, teachers and La Salle Brothers who adhered to the Covid-19 pandemic's standard operating procedure . The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, Most Reverend Julian Leow Beng Kim offered blessings for Don Darrell at the wake service.

don darrell

Don Darrell with the members of the Organising Committee – Celebrating 165 years of Lasallian Mission in Malaysia and the 40th Anniversary of MFOLSA

don darrell

Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, Most Reverend Julian Leow Beng Kim offering blessings for Don Darrell Augustine Jayasekare at the wake service at the latter’s home in SS2, Petaling Jaya.

don darrell

With Brother Visitor of LEAD, Br. Armin Luistro FSC, during his visit to Malaysia

Br. Ambose and Don

Br. Ambose and Don

The deceased left behind his wife Sue Ellen Chong and sons Don Dhilan, Don Nielsen and Don Melvin, siblings Denita, Derwin, Wendy and Raymond and grandmother Alawathie Jayasinghe.

His eldest sibling, sister Denita Jayasekare, 53, said Don Darrell had sought treatment at hospitals since early this year. "He was a gem of a brother, often not only helping the family but society at large with his charitable work. He was popular among the Lasallians from all over the country as a caring, obliging, big-hearted and overly-generous person," said Denita.

Br. Ambrose Loke FSC commended Don Darrell for his selfless services. "No words can express how eternally grateful we are to him for his love, loyalty and dedication to his alma mater and the Lasallian fraternity. May Almighty God bless him for his services to mankind in general. We are forever grateful to him," he said.

I will always remember him for his untiring contributions to the less fortunate. He was always ever-ready to help those in need and was magnanimous in charitable and social work. We will surely miss his presence. (Text & Photos: Mr. James Sia)

love offering

On Friday, October 2, 2020 Br Ambrose Loke, with some of the La Salle Sentul OBA committee members, joined the family of the late Don Darrell for 7th day prayers at his residence. Br Ambrose, on behalf of the OBA, also presented some love offerings to Sue Ellen Chong, the widow of Don Darrell.

In closing, Br Ambrose delivered the following message to those present.

“Justice has to be done…
I feel I have to say something to pay tribute to Don Darrell.

I have known Don Darrell since he was a student at La Salle Sentul. We kept in contact and since as an alumnus, he always expresses his love and loyalty to La Salle Sentul. I invited him to serve the school which, he accepted and literally gave his life to and for the school, first as a Board Member, as efficient treasurer and later as the Chairman of the School Board.
I feel he feels that there is much to be done for the school but God say, “enough is enough. You need to rest.” He has left us for another place where I believe he is in a better position to help.
Many of you who have know Don Darrell can vouch that he an exemplary leader and a kind gentleman. He has many virtues… he goes out of his way to help, …he is considerate, not wanting to hurt the feelings of others; very tactful in making wise decisions. He is a good friend to many.

I like to take this opportunity on behalf of the school, La Salle Old Boys Association and of the La Salle Brothers, to thank, his wife Sue Ellen Chong and children and other family members for allowing him to spend so much time for the school and to the La Salle Mission. May God bless all of you and to all present this evening.”

Eternal rest grant unto Don Darrell, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon him.
And may the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

MALAYSIA - This month features a major event of St. Xavier's Institution - SXI 170th Homecoming Celebration. Click on the image to view the December Happenings on YouTube!

Watch, comment, like and subscribe to our channel for updates and happenings at SXI. (St. Xavier's Boards of Governors Official Facebook Page)

MALAYSIA - The September Happenings video in SXI is now live on YouTube! Click on the image to view the video.

Watch, comment, like and subscribe to our channel for updates and happenings at SXI. (St. Xavier’s Board of Governors Official Facebook Page)

MALAYSIA - An interesting event occurred in St Xavier’s Institution (SXI), Penang on Friday, 20 December 2019.

A team of soldiers led by Captain Ashraf arrived at 9am to remove 64 decommissioned Lee Enfield Rifles from a 'storeroom' under Stairs 8 leading to the Brothers Quarters. The Board had invited the soldiers to remove the rifles as they had remained unused for many years.

With their firing pins removed, the rifles had more of an antique value and had been used by the boys of SXI Cadet Corps for parade purposes. Apparently, they had been in our keep for decades and forgotten by those who replaced the early people in the know.

It was interesting to observe that the army personnel conducted the operation with the assumption that they were engaging with another armed party! Throughout the few hours they were in SXI, there was a soldier with his finger on the trigger of his very much live and able-to-fire M-16! Captain Ashraf intimated that this was the first time they were conducting such an operation to 'retrieve' guns from a school. Each gun had a serial number and had to be accounted for. The Ministry of Defense thanked SXI for its cooperation. (Adapted from the Original: Dr. Francis Loh; Photos: Br. Jason Blaikie FSC)

MALAYSIA - We are excited to share with you our monthly happenings video for March 2023. This month, we are focusing on welcoming new Form 1 students to our school and introducing them to our campus. We have organized tours for them to visit our heritage center and learn about our school's rich history. Additionally, we are pleased to announce a new online feature that allows you to view our Xaverian Magazines!

We hope you enjoy watching the video and learning more about what's happening at SXI. Click on the image to watch the video! (St Xavier's Boards of Governors Official Facebook Page)

MALAYSIA - The October Happenings video in SXI is now live on YouTube!

Watch, comment, like and subscribe to our channel for updates and happenings at SXI.

(St. Xavier's Boards of Governors Official Facebook Page)

MALAYSIA - The August Happenings video in SXI is now live on YouTube! Click on the image to view the video.

Watch, comment, like and subscribe to our channel for updates and happenings at SXI.

(St. Xavier’s Board of Governors Official Facebook Page)

MALAYSIA - This week, a group of SJIIM students led a Christian session to mark the beginning of Advent. High School students were invited to pray, discuss, and create whilst reflecting on the Advent values of hope, peace, love, faith, and joy. From making Christingles to crafting origami doves, Christian students had the opportunity to work together, pray together and most importantly, be together. Wishing the SJIIM community a blessed Advent.

#sjiim #lasallianeducation #advent #community (St. Joseph’s Institution International School Malaysia Facebook Page)

There was a surreal feeling in the digital sphere as St. Joseph’s Institution International School Malaysia (SJIIM) embraced what could potentially be another ‘new normal’ this year by recently holding its 3rd IBDP graduation ceremony virtually. The historic ceremony was hosted using a web conferencing platform for the first time and was attended by scores of graduates, parents, sponsors, teachers and VIP guests. The Guest of Honour for the ceremony was Dato’ Br. Paul Ho FSC, who is the Chairman of the Board of Governors of SJIIM as well as the Br. President of SJI Singapore.

Dr. Nicola Brown, the High School Principal, beamed with pride at the sight of the graduates’ achievements and said “We congratulate our third IBDP Graduating Class on their effort and courage. We already knew very well that these are special young people. This understanding has been further reinforced by their fortitude through this extremely challenging period. Each student has been tested beyond their expectation and they have succeeded in showing their character and values as they have remained focused and positive. We wish them well in the coming weeks as we await the celebration of their upcoming results”.

Ms. Maureen Fitzgerald, the IBDP Coordinator of SJIIM, was equally pleased and proud of the performance of the IBDP students for the past 2 years, saying, “We can say with certainty that the impact of these students will be felt long after they have left us and gone out into the world tonight. They will leave with us the way that they will give of themselves without question when help is needed. They will leave with us their creativity, and they will leave with us their intellectual power and their extraordinary drive.”

The Guest of Honour, Dato’ Br Paul Ho, congratulated the graduates on completing their IB Diploma with flying colours despite having to do so virtually in these unnatural conditions. In his graduation address, he touched specifically on the possible silver linings that these trying times have brought about, saying “In all these relationship experiences with family or teachers during the lockdown, we all have leaned to “retool” ourselves by looking at others with more respect, patience in listening to others and avoiding forming prejudices. These are some of the new normal principles that we would have to be aware of as we live in the post-coronavirus period.”

A total of 13 student honours were given out during the ceremony comprising 6 Academic Prizes and 7 Major Awards which included the Sportsperson Of The Year Award, Outstanding Achievement Award, Lasallian Service Award, Academic Excellence Award, Principal’s Award, Tan Sri (Dr) Tan Chin Tuan Book Prize Award and the coveted Josephian of the Year Award.

Ms. Yap Su-Yin, CEO of the Tan Chin Tuan Foundation virtually presenting the Tan Sri (Dr) Tan Chin Tuan Book Prize Award

John Marcus Liew Jin had the honor of being awarded SJIIM’s Josephian of the Year Award for the graduating IBDP class of 2020 . A true Lasallian all-rounder who excels in academia and service work, Marcus credited the school’s Lasallian education ethos, his teachers, parents and peers for his success and an unbelievable education experience for the past 2 years. In his speech, he reminded his fellow Lasallian graduates that each of them has a responsibiity to themselves and to the people around them, saying “Much more than recognition of individual contribution, I believe the Josephian of the Year Award represents the values of community and leadership which SJIIM upholds. It is a humbling honour to receive this award. I hope that the students at SJIIM continue to be loving and ambitious in their devotion to our school and to the communities of which they are part of.” Marcus who was also the school’s Student Representative Council President, received the Tan Sri (Dr) Tan Chin Tuan Book Prize Award as well which was presented to him virtually by Ms. Yap Su-Yin, CEO of the Tan Chin Tuan Foundation, which is also one of SJIIM’s IBDP Scholarship Programme Sponsors. . As for his tertiary education plans, Marcus will be heading to the University of Bristol in the UK to read Law.

John Marcus Liew Jin, Josephian of the Year and recipient of the Tan Sri (Dr) Tan Chin Tuan Book Prize Award

Despite being unable to celebrate their graduation with the school’s customary post ceremony celebration dinner, the ceremony concluded with the usual cheer nontheless with the graduates’ gusto virtual singing of the school rally. To cap of the night in typical new normal fashion, the graduates were also treated to a personal graduation dinner by the school in the comforts of their home to celebrate their achievements.

Anissa Ng – Recipient of the Academic Excellence Award and Students’ Choice Speaker

Ter Shin Huey – Recipient of the Experimental Sciences Subject Prize

Major Awards 2020

Josephian of the Year Award & Tan Sri (Dr) Tan Chin Tuan Book Prize Award
John Marcus Liew Jin

Principal’s Award
Aaron Loke Jun Meng

Lasallian Service Award
Dhiirsyha Vinesh

Academic Excellence Award
Ng Wan Cheng, Anissa

Sportsperson of the Year
Ng Zhe Jinn

Outstanding Achievement Award
Lim Shang Yuan

Academic Subject Prizes
These prizes go to the Year 13 students with the top academic performance in each of the subject groups.

Group 1 – Studies in Language and Literature
Toh Yi Jin

Group 2 – Language Acquisition
Chua Li-Ann

Group 3 – Individuals and Societies
Ng Sher Ying

Group 4 – Experiemental Sciences
Ter Shin Huey

Group 5 – Mathematics
Justin Hew Kin Jun

Group 6 – The Arts
Sarah Jane Huntsman

Student Honours – Graduation Speech Transcripts


MALAYSIA - The February 2023 Happenings video of SXI is now live on YouTube! Click the image to view the video.

Watch, comment, like and subscribe to our channel for updates and happenings at SXI.

(St. Xavier's Boards of Governors Official Facebook Page)