MALAYSIA - On 23 August, I received a message from my school Principal. It read, “La Salle Centre is organising a session "Being A Lasallian Educator” on 9th October. This is for all new teachers in La Salle. I would like you to attend.” The message came with an attachment. The invitation was aimed at 3 groups of people:
I may be a new teacher in La Salle Secondary PJ (3 months) but I am not new to Lasallian schools. I was 11 years as a Lasallian student and then was blessed to get my first posting as a teacher in La Salle Primary PJ, bringing to a grand total of 16 years in La Salle. Thus, I wanted to revisit the Lasallian story.
Is there a difference teaching in a Lasallian institute and other schools? This was the question I asked myself after signing up for this event. In the course of my 25 years as a government teacher and having taught in 5 schools, did I portray the vision and mission of St. John Baptist de La Salle? I hoped to get answers during the forthcoming programme.
I was pleasantly happy to see a diverse group of educators in the room. The keynote address by Dr. Gerard Louis and the 3 panelists (school principal, school teacher, and university lecturer) were so enriching and uplifting. I got the answers that were floating in my head and heart. Yes, I have been on track these 25+ years even during the years I was not teaching in a Lasallian institute. The message and testimonies throughout the 2 hours from the panel and participants said one thing. Head level is important, but heart level supersedes it all.
I thought the session was well organised and enriching and would definitely attend future events.
SAPIENTIA ET CARITAS (Text: Mr. Eugene Morais - Teacher, La Salle Secondary PJ; Photos: Ms. Coreen Paul)