LEAD I&S Webinar

On 2020 October 24, 38 LEAD Brothers and Lasallian Partners in 5 different time zones gathered together via Zoom Video Communications to attend the LEAD Integrity and Safeguarding (I&S) Webinar. The objective is to have safety measures that ensure maximum protection of the students, minors, and vulnerable adults entrusted to the care of the Lasallian Institutions and Communities across the 7 Sectors of LEAD.

His Eminence Anthony Soter Cardinal Fernandez † 1932 April 22 - 2020 October 28

With faith in the resurrection, the Lasallian Family of Malaysia and the Lasallian East Asia District announce the passing of His Eminence Anthony Soter Cardinal Fernandez, AFSC on 2020 October 28 at St. Francis Xavier Home for the Elderly in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur. He was 88 years old and an Affiliated Member of the Institute for 15 years.

Eternal rest grant unto Cardinal Fernandez, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon him.
And may the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

General Council News - October 2020

The 19th Plenary Session of the Council was supposed to bring together Brother Superior and the Brother Councilors in Rome from September 14 to October 14, 2020. However, due to the travel restrictions related to the pandemic, we resorted to videoconferences. Brother Superior General, Robert Schieler, from the United States, Brothers Jorge, Vicar General, Gustavo Ramirez and Aidan Kilty, General Councilors, Antxon Andueza, Secretary General, Patrick Duffy, Secretary to the Superior General, participated from Rome.

Lasallian Studies Series

PHILIPPINES - La Salle Academy (LSA) opened the extraordinary school year 2020-2021 through distance-learning education. The school and the Holy Infancy Brothers’ Community (HIBC) initiated a new and creative way in delivering and sharing with the Senior High School (SHS) students the essence of being a Lasallian. The Lasallian Studies Series (LSS) program is a non-academic course that is a break from the other subjects. LSS’ main objective is to make sure that all SHS students finishing in LSA will further appreciate the identity, spirituality, mission, and vocation of a Lasallian.

Yangon La Salle Centre Online Classes

MYANMAR - All the schools and Education Centres in Myanmar have to take an indefinite break due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A powerful second wave is hitting our country now. Considering new normal realities, the La Salle Centre decided to offer online classes for English Learning Programs for five different levels (Beginner Level, Level 1, 2, 3, and 4). We started our online classes for English Learning Program on 2020 August 12 with a total of 48 students. Our 2-month Weekday Program runs from Monday to Friday for two hours per a day.