Br. Marty’s 65th Jubilee

PHILIPPINES - On 29–30 August, the 1911 Community in Manila enjoyed a double celebration for their Director, Br. Martin Sellner FSC. Br. Marty turned 83 years old on Saturday and the party featured his favorite Filipino dishes such as soup number five, lechon, crispy pata, and pansit. Lechon was also the theme of his birthday cake and the community gifted him with a cap that had a lechon image embroidered on it. During the communion service, Br. Marty renewed his religious vows as he also commemorated his 65th Jubilee Anniversary as a De La Salle Brother.

Discerners’ Orientation

PHILIPPINES - On 29 August 2020, the Discerners gathered online to formally begin their discernment journey with the De La Salle Brothers this year. General guidelines, principles, and accompaniment plans were laid out to have a clearer sense of their discernment year towards a well-reflected and well-informed decision on their vocation in life.

Let us pray for these young men who have responded to the challenge of going deeper into their lives with the hope of encountering the One who carefully but constantly says, "It is I, do not be afraid.”

Singapore Sector Gathering

On September 6, 2020, the nine Brothers from St. Joseph’s Institution and St. Patrick’s communities gathered at St. Patrick’s for their sector gathering. It has been a tradition in Singapore that Brothers from two communities convene on the first Sunday of every month. This month’s gathering is something special because of four reasons: the birthday celebration for Br. Nicholas Seet FSC and Br. Michael Broughton FSC, the retirement from school of Br. Nicholas, and welcoming for Br. Kino Escolano FSC who joined the St.Patrick’s Community last August.

Catholic Education Sunday 2020

On 2020 September 13, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore celebrated the Catholic Education Mass 2020, in celebration of 168 years of Catholic Education in Singapore. The virtual Mass was presided by Fr. Adrian Danker, SJ, St. Joseph’s Institution’s ( SJI ) principal. Select students from different schools, including our La Salle schools, participated as readers and members of the choir.

It starts with a short history of Catholic Education in Singapore followed by the Mass.

2nd LEAD Mission Council Meeting

The second LEAD Mission Council (LMC02) meeting was held online, on September 18, 2020, due to continuing health and safety concerns and travel restrictions within the District.

The meeting was attended by all LMC members, including two new appointees, Ms. Coreen Paul (MA) and Ms. Christine Soe Hlaing (MM), along with the initial appointees - Mr. Ed Chua (PH), Mr. Jay Gervasio (PH), Br. Larry Humprhey (SG), Br. Fermin Martinez (JP) and Mr. Paul Tam (HK). Unable to attend was Mr. John Chakrin Poopirom (TH).

Winning The Taiikusai

September 13, 2020. Since arriving in Japan, much has been shared to me about La Salle Gakuen’s taiikusai—the school’s yearly athletics festival. The pictures from before were impressive but I was also sure that having the first-hand experience would be incomparable! However, such excitement was dampened with the threat of the coronavirus as the school year started.

LEAD Online Community

Dear Fellow Lasallians,

On behalf of Br. Armin Luistro FSC, our Brother Visitor and the organizing team of the LEAD Online Community (LOC), I would like to invite you to the Second LOC meeting.

Well-Being Series, “Building Tolerance for Uncertainty”

Further for details see the attached poster.

We believe your presence would make a difference.


Br. Antonio Cubillas FSC
Auxiliary Visitor, LEAD