LSC 90th Anniversary Kick-Off

HONG KONG - The Kick-off Ceremony on 10 September marked the official launch of activities and events to celebrate the 90th anniversary of La Salle College.

The ceremony was simple but solemn. Brother Thomas reminded the assembly about how the college was started by Brother Aimar 90 years ago, and how Brother Cassian took headship after the war.

Sewing Training Program Graduation For The Marawi - Lanao Mission

PHILIPPINES - A total of 26 Maranaw women, in 5 batches, underwent the 8-week Sewing Training Program held in Iligan City from 16 June to 5 August 2021. Education in Emergencies (EIE) partnered with La Salle Green Hills Alternative Education, and was supported by the La Salle Academy and Holy Infancy Brother’s Community. Duyog Marawi, a partner of EIE in the Marawi-Lanao Consortium, chose the recipients for the program based on the needs of the communities they work with. Most of the Maranaws are still coping from the impact of the 2017 Marawi siege.

花 (Hana)

JAPAN - Before coming to Japan as a lay person or as a Brother, I liked flowers as most people do. I lived in a culture where there were flowers in the house only for certain occasions or in churches or chapels. To have flowers meant to go to the market and buy them or the easiest way, to order them through a shop. People around me at home or in our communities didn’t grow flowers for inside decoration. In other words, to have flowers or not was the way to live ordinary life.