Lipa ASPCON Sessions

PHILIPPINES - Once again, our aspirants and contacts had another meaningful weekend as they had two engagements last Saturday.

First, our AspCon together with their fellow aspirants in Iligan (BACOD) had a fruitful session in the morning with Br. John Ong FSC as they learned how to create and give recollection. This is in preparation for t h e i r u p c o m i n g o n l i n e a p o s t o l a t e engagements that will serve the residents of Kuya Center, a center that helps street children of Metro Manila.

Relief Operations

THAILAND - Br. Francisco Teerayut Chadang FSC, Br. John Worawut Chinsee FSC, and school administrators of La Salle Nakhonsawan visited and donated relief goods to the teachers and workers who were seriously affected by the storm and flood. (La Salle Chotiravi Nakhonsawan Facebook Page)

Talk On Storytelling

M A L AY S I A - T h i s t a l k w a s c o n d u c t e d b y M r. R a y m o n d Miranda who is a story expert, narrative researcher, and global speaker who spent 14 years s t u d y i n g , r e s e a r c h i n g , a n d teaching storytelling in the US. He returned to Malaysia to be CEO of Enfiniti Vision Media. His passion for exploring the intersection between story, innovation and future thinking has taken him all over the world.

Lasallian Encounter 2021

MALAYSIA - “Lasallians In Action” is the theme of the 2021 Lasallian Encounter, which was held on 10-12 September.

There were nine Lasallian Schools present: St. Joseph's Sarawak, St. Martin's Sabah, St. Francis' Malacca, St. Paul's Seremban, St. John's Kuala Lumpur, La Salle Petaling Jaya, La Salle Sentul, St. Michael's Ipoh, St. George's Taiping with a total of 39 participants.

B r o t h e r s M a r v i n a n d E d g a r f a c i l i t a t e d t h e L a s a l l i a n E n c o u n t e r together with Brothers Mark, Matthew, Joshua and Myron.

Elevate At LMC

During the 8th LEAD Mission Council meeting h e l d o n l i n e o n 2 4 September 2021, Br. Dennis Magbanua FSC and Br. Antonio Cubillas F S C p r e s e n t e d t h e L a s a l l i a n V i r t u a l Educational Apostolate or ELEVATE / LVE8 p r o j e c t , w h i c h w a s endorsed by the LEAD District Council to the LMC for approval.

Brothers’ Memorial Day 2021

PHILIPPINES - Each year, on the first Sunday of October, the Brothers in the Philippines celebrate the life and legacy of our Brothers and Lasallians who have gone before us. This year, due to the pandemic, only a limited number of Brothers and Partners were physically together at the La Salle Novitiate in Lipa, Batangas. Br. Armin Luistro FSC, our Visitor, was in attendance together with our Brothers in Lipa and some Brothers from the Residencia and 1911 communities. The rest were in attendance through Zoom.

Advent Activities

MALAYSIA - This week, a group of SJIIM students led a Christian session to mark the beginning of Advent. High School students were invited to pray, discuss, and create whilst reflecting on the Advent values of hope, peace, love, faith, and joy. From making Christingles to crafting origami doves, Christian students had the opportunity to work together, pray together and most importantly, be together. Wishing the SJIIM community a blessed Advent.