PHILIPPINES - Once again, our aspirants and contacts had another meaningful weekend as they had two engagements last Saturday.
First, our AspCon together with their fellow aspirants in Iligan (BACOD) had a fruitful session in the morning with Br. John Ong FSC as they learned how to create and give recollection. This is in preparation for t h e i r u p c o m i n g o n l i n e a p o s t o l a t e engagements that will serve the residents of Kuya Center, a center that helps street children of Metro Manila.
Lastly, our AspCon enjoyed the evening as they had their faith sharing and fun games t o g e t h e r w i t h s o m e B r o t h e r s f r o m Residencia, De La Salle Lipa, and La Salle Greenhills. (FSC Vocations - Lipa Facebook Page)
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