Renewal Of Vows

LEAD Young Brothers in Myanmar and Thailand renewed their vows. The Myanmar Brothers renewed their vows in their respective communities, while the Thai Brothers gathered together at La Salle School Bangkok to renew theirs. (Photos: Br. Joseph Aung FSC, Br. Benedict Chaiwat Phanomworachai FSC, Br. Philip Thein Oo FSC)


The following Brothers have been granted admission to various educational institutions for their professional development and further studies:


Br. Irwin Anthony Climaco FSC
Master of Arts in Arts Therapy
LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore

SJIIM Students And Parents Support Mco Affected Groups

St. Joseph’s Institution International School Malaysia  (SJIIM)  students and members of its Parent Support Group (PSG) have been busy assisting those in need during the Movement Control Order (MCO) period in Malaysia.

With the school temporarily closed in compliance with the MCO, SJIIM students and the PSG decided to channel funds that they had helped gather to benefit those in need of food and basic necessities during this difficult period. They also chipped in to make protective shields for use by frontline and essential service workers!

Covid-19 Service

On 14 April, Easter Tuesday, a small team of Brothers and Lasallian Volunteers visited the homeless in Sham Shui Po, an area in Hong Kong where a good number of poor people live. The group went there to give out masks and hygiene products.

Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, prices of masks and hygiene products have escalated. The Hong Kong Lasallian Family Office was lucky enough to have received donations of these items from different parties. Thanks to the Brothers and Lasallian Volunteers for the repacking and distribution of these products within a short period of time.

#staysafe #stayhome

In solidarity with the worldwide Lasallian Family social media campaign during this time of COVID-19, Brothers, administrators, teachers, and students (and their family members) of different schools in the Philippines share their hashtag messages in fighting against this pandemic.
