Bamboo School

In February I had the opportunity to visit the La Salle Bamboo School, Sangkhlaburi, Thailand. After a lengthy six plus hour ride from the Bangkok airport to the Bamboo School, I was warmly welcomed by the Brothers, the teachers and the students. While most of them know very little to no English, communication was established immediately and the warmth of their welcome was felt and experienced throughout the week.

LEAD Holy Week Retreat 2020

The COVID-19 Pandemic did not hinder the Brothers from commemorating the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. While they did not gather this year for the annual Holy Week Retreat, the respective communities became venues for all to take part and celebrate the Holy Week Liturgies. This year’s theme was: ‘Brothers as the Heart, Memory, and Guarantor of the Lasallian Mission’.

Covid-19 Graduation

Br. Normandy Dujunco FSC, who is supposed to graduate on 27 March for his PhD studies at Yarra Theological Union, had to settle for an online graduation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, congratulations Br. Mandy! (Photo: Br. Normandy Dujunco FSC)


Covid-19 Inspires Josephians To Respond With Care

Some of our Josephians penned a short message of gratitude to the medical and frontline personnel who are fighting against the COVID19. This was done as part of our Josephian Formation Journey programme in line with Total Defence Day.

#JFJ #everydayherossg #SGUnited #JosephiansUnited #LasalliansUnited

Watch the video by clicking this Facebook link:

Lynksters Helped Out With Mask Distribution

On 3rd April, our Prime Minister announced a community "circuit breaker” in Singapore as the number of COVID-19 cases were rising. What this means is other than a list of essential services which are allowed to continue running, residents are encouraged to stay home. Schools and non essential offices were to remain closed till 4th May. He also announced that each resident would be given a reusable mask so that the surgical masks could be saved for healthcare workers. This followed after a nationwide distribution of hand sanitisers.

“Reconnecting” Online Discerners’ Retreat

Last March 26-28, 2020, the Discerners of the De La Salle Brothers of the Philippines gathered online for the annual Discerners Retreat.

Covid-19 may have separated us physically but the Spirit of Faith keeps us together as we pause, reflect and listen to God’s call to us.

We thank Br. Kenneth Martinez FSC for facilitating the Online Retreat.

We continue to keep our Discerners in our prayers as well as our frontliners and medical workers, the country and the world amidst this crisis. (Text & Photo: Br. Irwin Anthony Climaco FSC)