CERVE Apostolate In Kuya Center

PHILIPPINES - To continue the Lasallian formation of the aspirants of the Brothers in the Philippines, the Vocations Ministry Office launched Çerve, an online apostolate that would be facilitated primarily by the aspirants for a chosen beneficiary. This online apostolate will remain to be educational in nature. The different aspirancy communities are grouped into two clusters for more efficient operations of the program, with each cluster having its own beneficiary of the apostolate.

Centennial Remembrance

HONG KONG - A special Mass of thanksgiving commemorating the centenary of the establishment of the legal entity of the De La Salle Brothers in Hong Kong was held on the 6th November 2021 in the school chapel of St. Joseph’s College. A large gathering of the Hong Kong Lasallian Family attended.

Although the Brothers arrived in 1875, it took 46 years for them to become a separate legal entity. Up to that time, we were a Catholic Mission school, under the auspices of the Bishop.


The International Symposium of Young Lasallians (ISYL) had its first phase from the 18th to the 22nd of October 2021. The first phase of ISYL was done throughout the third quarter of the year (July-October), with different online (via ZOOM Conference) and offline activities. Sixty (60) delegates coming from PARC, RELAF, RELAN, RELEM, RELAL, and IALU attended the symposium. For LEAD, the participants were Mr. Louis Kyaw KoKo, Youth Coordinator of Myanmar and I, Neil Juntado, Youth Coordinator of the Philippines.

Brothers Assembly Singapore

SINGAPORE - Thirteen Brothers gathered for the Brothers Assembly on 2021 November 6 at 3pm till 4.45pm. Brother Visitor opened the assembly with the question, “Where do I go from here?” and the invitation to engage and collaborate in a deeper manner with our lay partners. One way of doing this is to energize our Lasallian formation programmes for all Lasallians in Singapore, Brothers and partners.

Working Together Towards The 3rd LEAD Mission Assembly

We are happy that the organising team has representatives from all 7 sectors to plan out the 3rd mission assembly for the district of LEAD.

The team has been meeting virtually over the last few months and are looking forward to starting off with their respective country conversations, which will mark the start of the journey towards the mission assembly in 2022.

Look out for updates in our district social media pages. (Text & Photo: Ms. Coreen Paul)

Lasallian Vocations Learning Series

The De La Salle Brothers of the Philippines, through the Vocations Ministry Office, held the first of several sessions of the Lasallian Vocations Learning Series. The session was conducted by Mr. Neil Juntado, the National Coordinator of the Lasallian Youth Office of De La Salle Philippines. He shared about the various realities of Young Lasallians in the International Lasallian Family and the realities of those in the country.

"Brothers And Beyond"

PHILIPPINES - October 29, 2021 - The Vocations Ministry Office of the De La Salle Brothers of the Philippines had its first online youth camp entitled “Brothers and Beyond”. Student leaders from various La Salle schools in the Philippines and the Lasallian East Asia District gathered and engaged with Brothers Aikee, Jeano, John, Mark, Marvin, and Nico to creatively learn and share about the relevant issues that young people are encountering today specifically on productivity, self-care, and creating a good impact.

Br. Weegee’s Closing Message: