Br. Raffy Reyes: Apostolate From Fishing Village To Mt. Hagen Highlands

PAPUA NEW GUINEA - One Filipino De La Salle Brother has a fascinating history in serving poorer, or disadvantaged people. Raffy Reyes, in the 1980's, was a member of a De La Salle community that was established for the face-to-face service of poorer people. "We lived in a small fishing village and the work of the Brothers involved providing a non-formal education to farmers and fishermen which was based on the Paulo Freire model. Basically, we taught them how to read and write". Today, he is establishing a professional counseling service for teacher trainees at Mt.

LS Sampran Welcomes The New Candidates

The La Salle Sampran Community in Thailand formally welcomes Peter Niyomtham, Lawrence Paldsri, Peter Keurkul, and Romeo Sanyaluck, the congregation's four new candidates, on Trinity Sunday. The event began with a prayer service that emphasized the importance of healthy relationships in a community. The community director, Br. Joseph Klong FSC, then offered a poignant perspective on the value of companionship during these challenging times. As a De La Salle Brothers’ tradition every Trinity Sunday, Br. Eugene de Luna FSC, Br. Joseph Klong, Br. Stephen Khan, and Br.

A Road To Forever

SINGAPORE - The solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity is woven into the fabric of Lasallian spirituality as an occasion where the Brothers all over the world renew their religious consecration to the Trinity. This tradition affirms the continuous flow of the Trinitarian love to our mission and consecration as Brothers of the Christian Schools. An additional testament to this love is the promise of forever made by Br. Mark Salvan FSC as he professed his perpetual vows on the occasion of the solemnity, 29 May 2021 at 6 PM.

Move LEAD 2021 Challenge

This was a Lasallian East Asia District initiative to promote the health and wellness of all Lasallians united in a common, shared physical activity. Move LEAD 2021 Challenge was a nine-day timeline to complete one or all of the challenges in preparation for the 10th Anniversary of LEAD and the feast of the Founder (May 15).

Participation at Move LEAD: