LS Sampran Celebrates Songkran 2021

THAILAND - Amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, La Salle Sampran Community in Nakhon Pathom, Thailand celebrates the Songkran this year. Songkran is a famous annual Thai water festival that marks the beginning of the Thai traditional New Year. The candidates prepared activities that formally started with Thai prayer and chants. Then, the adult members of the community, Br. Joseph Klong FSC, Br. Eugene de Luna FSC, and the house gardener gave their new year messages to all.

SXI Donates Vouchers

MALAYSIA - On 15th April 2021, representatives from the Board of Governors of St Xavier’s Institution, Penang presented about RM13,000.00 worth of grocery vouchers to about 130 of our most underprivileged children from our three St Xavier’s schools in Penang.

SJBDLS Reliquary Statue

PHILIPPINES - This reliquary statue, holding a bone fragment (ex ossibus relic) of St. John Baptist de La Salle, was carved by Jayson Taguyungon from Hungduan, Ifugao. It measures 3 feet in height and executed in acacia wood. The work features De La Salle with two Kalinga children in traditional clothing. A gift of the Philippine Lasallian Family to the people of Magsilay in Pasil, Kalinga, it will be enshrined in their chapel dedicated under the patronage of De La Salle.

LEAD Story Flashback - LEAD in the Context of the 46th General Chapter by Br. Ricky Laguda FSC

LEAD STORY FLASHBACKS: Celebrating 10 years of Lasallian East Asia District by reminiscing important moments of LEAD's history.

Br. Ricky Laguda FSC, General Councillor, talks about LEAD in the context of the 46th General Chapter.

#LEAD​​ #LasallianEastAsiaDistrict​​ #LEADStoryFlashback

LEAD Story Flashback - March - De La Salle Sisters in LEAD - Sr. Otilia Salas HG

LEAD STORY FLASHBACKS: Celebrating 10 years of Lasallian East Asia District by reminiscing important moments of LEAD's history.

Sr. Otilia Salas HGS talks about the history and mission of the Hermanas Guadalupanas de La Salle (De La Salle Sisters) in LEAD.

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