On 15th April, the LEAD District Council met online once again to discuss matters related to the District.
The first part was the business meeting. Mr. Ferdie Fernandez, the LEAD Chief Financial Officer, presented the financial report and next year’s budget proposal. Mr. Jay Gervasio, the LEAD Mission Council (LMC) Chair, gave a report on the LMC programs. The DC members commended Mr. Jay and reconfirmed that the LMC is the most active in all LEAD offices, especially during the time of lockdowns and with limited budget. Appointments and assignments were also discussed, as well as a new project for the poor which will be part of LEAD’s 10th Anniversary Celebration.
The second part of the meeting was given over to the Chapter of novices taking First Vows. Br. Rey Mejias FSC, the novice master, was invited to the meeting and gave his input to the Council.