SJII Malaysia has always been thankful for the immense support it receives from parents. Last month, our Head of School received a beautiful painting depicting the very essence of the school: "Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve" and "We are one, but we are many... , we are Lasallian", from Mrs Natalie Motha, one of four founding families. This precious gift was created by Danette Gomes, an artist from Mumbai, India. Their generosity is very much appreciated. May our heavenly Father bless their family and loved ones! (Text & Photo: Mr. Tony Lai)
Here’s a sharing from the Motha family.
Our journey with SJIIM began around 4 years ago when we were on the lookout for a value-based education system; something that we believe is much needed in today’s world. We chose SJIIM and haven’t been disappointed!
The holistic approach of the school towards each child’s development, be it academic or pastoral, is what has thoroughly impressed us.
The learning environment in elementary school is one that encourages curiosity. Each day has something exciting that awaits the students. As a result, our sons eagerly looked forward to attending school.
While in high school, the students are encouraged to be independent learners, to reflect, set goals, and be focused. This has led our daughter to opt for the IB Diploma Programme next year and we are only too happy to support her decision as we believe that SJIIM will not only do their best for her but also keep up to their motto: Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve. It’s been a pleasure to be a part of the SJIIM parent community through the PSG and the Christian Community. This implies that the school welcomes the attitude ‘We are one but we are many’, which is the opening line of the Lasallian anthem, ‘We are Lasallian’.
We are all on a learning journey in life, the students, parents, and the school; we choose to trust the school with their policies and decisions, understanding that they have the best interest of the students in mind and the outcome, in nearly all situations, has been rewarding.
Our children have studied in 4 countries: India, Norway, Singapore, Malaysia, and hands down they choose SJIIM as their best school. As parents of 3 Lasallians, we believe that the education they are now receiving is keeping them well-grounded and will make them ‘well adjusted’ individuals, ready to take on the world in their stride.
We are ever so grateful for that. Thank you SJIIM for making this possible.
God Bless,
Capt. Glen & Mrs Natalie Motha
Founding SJIIM family and parents of:
Meagan (Year 11), David (Year 8) & Nathan (Year 8)

Painting from Mrs Motha.jpg

The Motha Children