Historic Meeting Of Lasallian Archivists

LEAD Story 317

Archivists from the different Districts of the Institute gathered in the Motherhouse in Rome last 29-31 October 2019 for the Meeting of Lasallian Archivists. The meeting was the first endeavor of the Institute to bring together the people responsible for taking care of this important part of Lasallian history and patrimony. Sessions included discussions on the significance of the archives in the context of the Institute and its mission, the imperative and challenge of digitization, and common platforms for the sharing of resources. Visits to the archives and libraries of the Institute as well as those of other religious congregations provided well needed inputs on records and pat r imony management . The occasion was likewise an opportunity for the participants to share and learn about the experiences of the Districts in the management of their respective Lasallian heritage and to continue collaboration and professional formation in its future gatherings. Representing LEAD in the meeting were Mr. Paul Tam Kin Kwok (HK) and Ian Saulog (PH) who shared with the group the research and collaboration efforts of the Hong Kong Sector and the current efforts in enriching the LEAD Archives. (Text & Photos: Mr. Ian Saulog)

