In Chinese tradition, the 7th day of the Lunar New Year is called, 人日 (Renri). It is a happy occasion celebrating everyone’s birthday. This year, 人日 fell on February 18. Coincidentally, it was also the date of a truly special and auspicious District Council (DC) Meeting.
The DC members met once again online to conduct the Chapter of Vows. This type of meeting brings a festive spirit to the whole of LEAD since 33 Young Brothers expressed their intention to renew their vows, while 2 applied for Perpetual Vows.
To start the gathering on a solemn note, Br. Armin set a prayerful mood through giving reflection periods accompanied with fitting music. Each Young Brother was personally thought of and fervently prayed for.
The whole process was done online --- using modern tools of communication, including the anonymized voting. Unprecedented in format it may be, but with the grace of God, everything went smoothly without technical difficulties.
After the Chapter of Vows, some time was spent for business matters and other announcements.