On 22 August 2019, Br. Randrianasolo Z a fi m a m o n j y J e a n d e D i e u F S C successfully defended his PhD dissertation entitled “Lasallian Leadership Practices of School Leaders in Madagasikara: A Convergent Parallel Mixed Method Study,” as partial fulfilment of requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Education Major in Educational Leadership and Management. Congratulations, Br Jean!
Below is his thanksgiving letter:
Dear Brothers. My work would never have been possible without the active participation and support that you gave me. So, I would like to address my lively thanks to the Brothers of the LEAD District, in general, and the former Brother Visitor, Edmundo Fernandez, FSC, and the new Brother Visitor, Armin Luistro, FSC, in particular, for their love, care, and financial support. My special thanks also go to the Brothers in the 1911 Community and their staff who provided me the needed time and space to write my dissertation without interruption and interference. Finally, the last but not the least, I thank God for the opportunity He has provided me to go through the Educational Leadership and Management Program. My life is fully dedicated to bring glory to His Holy Name. Now, may the Lasallian Leadership Practices of School Leaders in Madagasikara: A Convergent Parallel Mixed Method Study provide additional contribution to the well being of humanity and extend His Kingdom on the face of Mother Earth. Brothers, I am happy to be with you. Once again, thank you, as always, and Live Jesus in our Hearts ! Forever. Your humble Brother Jean de Dieu, FSC, in Saint La Salle.