On 25-27 August 2019, Br. Felipe Belleza FSC, Auxiliary Visitor of Lasallian East Asia District, visited La Salle Chotiravi Nakhon Sawan Brother’s Community and School to meet the Brothers, administrators, juniorates, faculty, and students. Br. Felipe was warmly received by the community and he shared inspiring testimonies to the school stakeholders and members. Br. Eugene Prapas Sricharoen FSC, School Director, introduced basic information about the school and invited Br. Felipe to grow a Plumeria tree, which is an institutional symbol. During the day Br. Felipe visited the students around the campus and in the evening had dinner with the Filipino teachers and the La Salle scholarship students. The visit of Br. Felipe has greatly cheered and inspired the community of La Salle Chotiravi Nakhon Sawan to continue doing its mission and service for the school and the Congregation. The school joins the LEAD Auxiliary Visitor in mutual prayer for the success of the various missions and future endeavors. (Text & Photos: Br. Raphael Tanet Lertwaja FSC)