LEAD Story 379

THAILAND - On the occasion of the Lasallian Mission’s 70th year presence in Thailand, the De La Salle Brothers and La Salle Sisters in Thailand traveled to the city of Mae Hong Son to lay the foundation stone for a new charity school (school for the poor) for the hill tribe students on 18 January 2022. Mae Hong Son is located in the northern part of Thailand and nine hundred kilometers away from Bangkok, the capital of Thailand.

The laying of the foundation stone ceremony was led by Rev. Fr. Pratip Kiratipong, the Vicar General of Chaing Mai Diocese. Several sectors witnessed the ceremony of the new mission, such as priests, sisters from different congregations, police, government teachers, local politicians, as well as villagers nearby.

The place where the new school is about to be built is surrounded by huge and numerous mountains and the majority of the people are from the ethnic groups called “Karen” and the rest are from the “Hmong”. Catholics form the majority religions of the local people and of the villages nearby with Catholics-80%, Protestants-10%, and Buddhist-10%. (Text & Photos: Br. Niran Suksankrasin FSC)

JAPAN - Although the Omicron strain is spreading nationwide, with the cooperation of many people, we were able to hold the 60th high school graduation ceremony at our school.

Of the 113 students, 73 were awarded diplomas by the principal, excluding 40 who were absent due to entrance exams.

The former student council president Isaac Takahashi's greetings were full of stories about high school life, as well as encouragement and inspiration for classmates, seniors and juniors, parents, faculty and staff who share the Lasallian spirit. (Hakodate La Salle Official Website)

Source: https://www.h-lasalle.ed.jp/topics/35496/

Enhancing students’ self-directed learning skills and promoting reading across the curriculum through interesting self-study journey.

HONG KONG - Aerospace is always a hot and fascinating topic for students. Since the students of Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) Primary School love it, we launched a one-month self-study journey for P.1-P.6 students.

There were five stations in the self- study journey. At each of the stations, students were given different types of materials such as videos, websites, fact sheets and storybooks to support their learning. Students learnt according to their learning pace, goals and interests. For students to be successful in self-directed learning, they were encouraged to engage in self-reflection and self-evaluation of their learning goals and progress at the end of each week.

Let’s meet our Student Space Ambassadors. Our Space Ambassadors organized the Space Quiz activity for all their schoolmates. During recess, they asked their schoolmates questions about space and gave unique gifts to students who answered them correctly. The gifts were cards designed by one of the Space Ambassadors, Kan Wing Yu. (Text & Photos: Ms. Samdy Fong - CSKPS Teacher)

PHILIPPINES - Our Brothers in the Philippines, through the Vocations Ministry Office of the Philippine Sector, organized the 2nd Brother-Mentor’s Gathering focused on learning more about the basics of Spiritual Direction. Br. Mike Valenzuela facilitated the session which featured a concise input on the essential definitions, skills, and tools needed in spiritual accompaniment.

Nineteen (19) Brothers from LEAD joined the session which aims to create a space for Brothers to learn more about accompanying the youth today, specifically those who are interested in the life of the Brothers. We continue to hope that our efforts in the ministry of vocations will bear fruit in God’s time. (Text & Photo: Br. Weegee Enriquez FSC)

We're glad to share with you the first issue of Still&Sail: The Vocations Newsletter of the De La Salle Brothers of the Philippines.

This first issue features an abridged version of an article by Br. George Van Grieken FSC, where he shares his experiences with students and his reflections on our Lasallian Prayer: "Let us all remember..."

We hope that our monthly newsletter will be a meaningful space where we could be still, then sail on. (Br. Weegee Enriquez FSC)

Click here to view the newsletter.

PHILIPPINES - In partnership with DLSU's Archers Network, we're glad to give you a glimpse of how the Brothers live their day to day life and how they continue to find life meaningful in many different ways.

Join Br. Iñigo Riola FSC from the District of San Francisco New Orleans as he shares how he continues to say #YesBro to our life today!

#YesBro #TheBroDiaries #DeLaSallePH #DLSBrothersPH (De La Salle Brothers of the Philippines Official YouTube Page)

"The Brothers consider their professional work as a ministry...helping those they serve to discover, appreciate, and assimilate human and Gospel values. They accompany each person in their search for meaning and for God." (Rule 16) Wondering about which path to take in life? Let's talk!

Register via: https://bit.ly/TalkFSC

Live Jesus in our hearts, forever!

#YesBro #BecomingBrothers #DeLaSallePH #DLSBrothersPH #FSCvocations #Discernment #ReligiousLife #Church #Brothers [Vocations Ministry Office - De La Salle Brothers of the Philippines]

THAILAND - Br. Mario Zammit arrived in Thailand in 2008. He worked with the Brothers in the Sector of Thailand for the past 14 years. He left for Myanmar for one and a half years while working with the Brothers in Thailand in order to help the Brothers in Myanmar and then returned to Thailand again.

Br. Mario Zammit, while working in Thailand, was assigned for mission in Nakhonsawan school, La Salle Sangklaburi school, and La Salle Chanthaburi school. He taught English to Thai students in all these schools. He is also known as a very good cook; once in a while he would cook for the community. Br. Mario was a good community person. He is always present for prayers, daily mass, meal times, and daily classes. He is a Brother who is very obedient to the superior. He has a lot of good ideas for the community whenever there is a meeting. He tried his best to help his students to master the English subject. While working at Sangklaburi school, he conducted English classes for the girls at the Blue - Sky Home. He was also asked to help teach English to three Vietnamese Sisters who lived in Sangklaburi school. Br. Mario planted some coffee trees in Sangklaburi near the Brothers’ House as his hobby. Br. Mario, a simple Brother who is faithful to his vocation as a Brother, continues to be the witness through the good example of his life as a religious Brother. He helps building community by the joyful gift of himself in the service of the Brothers in the community. Br. Mario is friendly to everyone and he has a sense of humor too.

On 16 th January 2022, Br. Mario decided to return to Malta. He informed the Brothers and Sisters in the Thai sector about his return during the gathering of the sector in December 2021. His contribution to the sector was commendable. On behalf of the Thai Brothers and Sisters, I would like to thank Br. Mario for what he has done for the sector during the past 14 years. May God bless Br. Mario with abundant joy and good health. (Text: Br. Joseph Klong Chaiphuak FSC; Photos: La Salle Chanthaburi School Official Facebook Page)

PHILIPPINES - During a pandemic when businesses struggle to keep afloat, many private schools that operate as enterprises strive even more due to poor enrollment. In the current school year, as much as 865 private schools faced closures due to low enrollment and the inability to meet requirements to conduct distance learning. School closure affects not just teachers and school employees but also ancillary businesses that rely on school operations. Could educational institutions that implement a variety of modular, blended and distance learning also become sustainable even during a health crisis? What should schools unlearn and learn instead to adapt and create opportunities to thrive?

In our third Sustainable Talks we invite you to learn these and more from the President of De La Salle Lipa, Br. Dante Amisola, F.S.C. De La Salle Lipa is a Silver S . T . A . R . S . rated institution by the Association for the Advancement o f Sustainability in Higher Education, the first school to be recognized as such in the Philippines. (Studio 5 Designs Official Facebook Page)

Source: De La Salle Philippines Official Facebook Page

I got Peanut when I was in Bacolod 2 years ago. A former student posted online about a kitten in their village who was abandoned. The moment I saw his photo I knew I had to have him. Br Irwin and I helped co-parent him. We had to bottle feed him! It was a can of Peanuts in Br Irwin’s office that gave him his name. We thought he was a girl at first but later on found out he was a boy.

Peanut is probably the chillest creature around. 5% of the time he likes to play, watch the birds outside the window, and eat. 95% of the time he sleeps! So we love taking naps together and snuggling. He watches Netflix with me too but falls asleep doing that. When he was still in Bacolod he has a way with younger kittens and could make them behave and be calm too. I bet he could have a certificate in mindfulness if he wanted too.

Peanut found a way into my heart when I needed a quiet unassuming presence in my life. Aside from keeping my feet warm at night, his relaxed personality is a reminder that things will be ok. We can sleep in peace b e c a u s e t o m o r r o w i s another day and we can begin again.