The LEAD Mission Council Members (left to right): Mr. Jay Gervasio, ChairMs. Coreen Paul (MY), Br. Fermin Martinez FSC (JP), Ms. Christine Soe Hlaing (MM), Br. Larry Humphrey FSC (SG), Mr. Paul Tam (HK), Mr. Ed Chua (PH), Mr. John Chakrin Poopirom (TH)
One of the Key Priority Programs of the 3rd LEAD District Chapter is the creation of the LEAD Mission Council (LMC). The LMC is evenly composed of Brothers and lay associates or partners which will serve as an advisory body to the Brother Visitor and Council.
Mr. Jay Gervasio has been appointed as the Chair and was tasked to create policies and a council that will ensure the implementation of the objectives.
After a selection process period, the first four (4) founding members of the LMC were appointed and had their inaugural meeting together with the LMC Chair on June 19, 2020. The Brother Visitor, Br Armin, joined the meeting and gave them two challenges, on how to (1) move the LEAD Lasallian schools to act as one, and (2) respond to the emerging needs and new realities in East Asia. Afterwards, they discussed bilateral and multilateral agreements between schools and started brainstorming on a common LEAD project that would benefit all sectors.
Three (3) more members were appointed to complete the council with all Sectors well-represented. May the LMC be blessed with God's grace and wisdom to fulfill the duties entrusted to them.