The COVID-19 pandemic has speeded up the use of online video-conferencing platforms. By now, people have accustomed themselves to this new way of conducting meetings. No one can say that they’re digital immigrants anymore. The Lasallian East Asia District Council sure is a testament to this!
The District Council and some members of the Leadership Team met for its quarterly meeting on June 25, 2020. This is the first time that a DC Meeting was fully held virtually.
While Hong Kong, Malaysia, Philippines, and Singapore have the same timezone, it’s different for Japan, Myanmar, and Thailand, albeit just an hour or two difference only. Time difference did not hinder efficiency. What was usually scheduled for 1-2 days, this meeting has done in 2 hours, and on top of that, it was done from the comfort and safety of our own room/office.
This has opened up more possibilities and collaboration despite the distance and travel restrictions, while also being cost-efficient and having less logistical concerns. Cheers to adaptability and creativity despite adversity!