MALAYSIA - La Salle Centre Ipoh recently ran its vocation programme called Lasallian Encounter from the 21st to 25th September with the theme “Introspecting our Lasallian Identity, Responding to the calls of Reality”.
This annual programme was conducted virtually for the first time. There were 2 hour sessions which ran over a period of 5 days. 21 students registered and twelve of them faithfully attended all 5 days.
The programme was facilitated by Brothers Marvin and Edgar who approached the programme with a 3-part focus. It started off with a focus on self which essentially touched on vocation being a gift from God and in order for us to discover what we are meant to do with our lives, it is important to have deeper knowledge of ourselves. After having an appreciation of one’s vocation, the learning was strengthened by discovering how St. John Baptist De La Salle lived out his vocation and spirituality. The participants were blessed with an opportunity to dialogue with 8 young De La Salle Brothers. The third and final part looked at how God calls us personally to live out our vocation the best way we know how and a reminder that every vocation is a commitment to love.
The programme was brought to a close with a prayer service where the participants took an oath of commitment to try their best to serve as positive role models and become living witnesses of the Lasallian core values of the Spirit of Faith, Zeal for Service, and Communion in the Mission.
Each participant was given a customised frame for their profile pics as a reminder that they are called to be the salt and light of the earth.
We would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to Brothers Marvin and Edgar as well as all our guest speakers, Br. John Ong and Mr. Keane Palatino. The very same goes to the young Brothers who took time to be with our young Lasallians and share their vocation stories, Br. Carlo Rementilla, Br. Irwin Climaco, Br. Benedict, Br. Paul Mata, Br. Raphael ‘Miggy’ Crisostomo, Br. Edmon Viroomal, Br. Josaphat Ai Saw Hung Htoo.
Our young Lasallian volunteers, Alvinus Bryan, Justin Royan, Daniel Leo, Joshua Jaykumar, Jeremy Robeiro and Adrian Francis, thank you for your time in assisting us as well as sharing your own Lasallian stories (Text & Photos: Ms. Coreen Paul)