The Sector of Japan held its annual assembly last 2020 October 17. The assembly started with 8 degrees celsius in Hakodate, 20 in Kagoshima and around 30 in Manila and Singapore. Despite the differences in climate, Brothers Fermin, Rodrigo, Domingo, Aikee, Nico and from the leadership team Br. Armin, Visitor, and Br. Antonio gathered together to share life, to dialogue, and to take action on the issues that are important to the Sector of Japan.
After each Brother gave a short sharing about what was happening with him in the mission, we moved on to discuss and evaluate the seven resolutions taken from the 2019 Assembly. After three hours, and short breaks in between, we were able to identify the next steps and how to be accountable in delivering the resolutions reached during the assembly.
Br. Armin’s final remarks invited the Brothers to keep the Lasallian Mission relevant in Japan and challenged us to explore new ways of serving those in need, apart from the school’s setting.
Thank you Brothers of Japan for making the assembly a meaningful experience. (Text: Br. Antonio Cubillas FSC, Photo: Br. Aikee Esmeli FSC)