About 60 Lasallians all over the District met once again for the second part of the LEAD Online Community gathering which was held November 13th.
While the first LOC was meant to bring the community together for a meaningful prayer experience, this second LOC was aimed at equipping Lasallians with important tools to help them get by tough situations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, a webinar titled “Building Tolerance for Uncertainty” was delivered by Ms. Maria Gilda Miciano, a registered guidance counselor and psychometrician, and a Lasallian herself.
n her talk, she focused on the underlying concepts and effects for quaranxiety and eventually gave tips to help upgrade the attendees’ coping skills. Additionally, the Lasallians had the chance to interact with one another in smaller groups during a 10-minute breakout session.
The next LOC which will be held on January 22nd next year and will feature Br. Armin Luistro FSC to answer questions about the current state of the District as well as some plans for the coming years. (Text: Br. Emong Viroomal FSC; Photos: Br. Antonio Cubillas FSC)
From Ms. Maria Gilda Miciano, facilitator of LOC 2 meeting:
Building tolerance for uncertainty“I” gives emphasis on understanding one's thoughts and emotions and proactively coping through positiveactions. The helpful tips namely, (1) positive self-talk, (2) mindful mantra, (3) turtletechnique, (4) seeking and giving help, and (5) self-care strategies, were given for learning experience to increase self-awareness. Moreover, the "self-care kit" or "tolerance kit" was introduced and the group sharing deepened personalunderstanding. Thus, tolerance is built with recognition of what is at present, strengtheningcoping strategies and commitment to the missionand "When I is replaced with WE, even illness becomes wellness”.