Excerpts from the Article:
PHILIPPINES - St. Joseph School-La Salle marked another milestonethrough the installation of a commemorative mark and the painted picture of St. John Baptist de La Salle inthe Parish and Shrine of the Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Brgy. Villamonte, Bacolod City last December 4, 2020
The said event was organized by St. Joseph School-La Salle to commemorate the 60 years of existence of the institution.The Parish and Shrine of the Immaculate Conception is very significant in the Lasallian mission, highlighting the spirituality and identity of Lasallian schools under this ecclesial territory.
The picture of the founder serves as a mark of the Lasallian presence in the Diocese of Bacolod. This will also be a haven for all Christian teachers who seek for hisintercession and who persevere for sanctification in the conduct of their vocation as inspired by St. John Baptist De La Salle, the Universal Patron of Teachers. (Text: Mr. Riff Guia; Photo: Br. Mico de Leon FSC)
Click on the link for the full article: https://issuu.com/sentralfsc/docs/lsbbc_sentr_l_-_nov-dec_2020?fbclid=IwAR0mlNXUwUhx-ruqgilt9nOMKXsl1U5Ws1ug390Gv4dTWZoW7rN82TGqC3s