The De La Salle Brothers of Myanmar had its Annual Country Assembly at De La Salle House, Yangon, Myanmar last 1 November 2019.
This year’s Assembly coincided with the Canonical Visit of the Brother Visitor, Br. Armin Luistro FSC . He was accompanied by the Auxiliary Visitor, Br. Felipe Belleza FSC. All 12 Brothers, except 1 young Brother and a senior Brother, were at the De La Salle House at Yangon by 29th October 2019. The Brother Visitor had personal interviews and community dialogue on the 30th of October with the Yangon Community, followed by the Maymyo Community on the 31st of the same month.
On the 1st of November, the Assembly of the Brothers of Myanmar was held. Br. Felipe acted as chair. The assembly began with a short prayer led by Br. Josaphat. It was then followed by the opening remarks of Br. Noel Lal, and then a message from the Brother Visitor. La Salle Centre Yangon and Maymyo Boarding House ministries were presented. Br. Josaphat updated the Brothers on the status of the Myanmar initial formation personnel.
Br. Felipe presented the New Brothers’ House project in Yangon. The new ministries in Myanmar we r e a l s o p r e s e n t e d , f o l l owe d b y t h e announcement of sector appointments of Br. Joseph Than Htaik Aung as Sector Bursar; Br. Fel ipe as the Myanmar Young Brothers’ Conference Coordinator; and Br. Noel Hrang Lal as the Representative of the Major Religious Superiors of Myanmar. Br. Visitor then announced the 2020 community assignments for Myanmar and mentioned his concluding remarks. The Assembly ended with a Eucharistic Celebration at the Brothers’ Community Chapel. (Text & Photos: Br. Noel Lal FSC)