Lasallian Youth Gathering Program

LEAD Story 405

MYANMAR - On February 18, 2023, more than 90 boys and girls, both present and former students of Lasalle Centre, gathered together in La Salle House (Yangon) to create a chance for young Lasallians to have a meaningful encounter with one another and to enrich the Lasallian Spirit. The program aims to attract some of the youths and get them involved in the Youth for Future program and be part of the young Lasallian alumni group.

The program started with the opening prayer followed by Br. Lucas Thein’s welcome address in which he delivered a very inspirational message about the reason for this gathering. After the message, the participants from the La Salle House (Yangon) boarding department performed a beautiful Chin traditional dance. To enrich community building, the participants enjoyed some group activities and games led by some of our teachers from Lasalle Center.

The second part of the program was the Q&A session on Lasallian Spirit. This gave the young Lasallians the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and stimulate interest in the Lasallian Mission worldwide. This session was headed by the organizing team – Br. Lucas Ah Do, Br. Moris Tang, and Br. Justine Nge Bo. The active interaction between the Brothers and the student participants showed that the objectives were well achieved. To mark the end of the program, students from the current elementary class performed a final dance followed by group photo taking. The day ended with a very lively and fraternal lunch together with the Brothers. (Text: Br. Lucas Ah Do FSC; Photos: Br. Justine Nge Bo FSC)