MYANMAR - As a part of the series of Lasallian Vocations promotion and Young Lasallian Formation programs, the Brothers and teachers at La Salle Center organized a workshop on 28 October 2022. We also appreciate the students for their effort and time to join this session. The workshop started with an opening prayer at 10:30 am followed by the welcome message of Br. Justine Nge Bo. The very first activity was the ice breaker led by Br. Lucas Ahdo called “getting to know each other”. Next, Br. Lucas Ahdo continued the workshop, sharing his vocation story as a Lasallian Brother. Then Br. Justine Nge Bo shared the life of the Founder of the Brothers of the Christian Brothers to the participants. After a 15-minute break, the second part of the workshop resumed at 12:15 pm. During the second session, the participants were divided into five groups and given three questions which were relevant to their lives as young persons living in the current country’s situation, to discuss in their respective group. After the group discussion, the reporter from each group shared about the outcomes from their discussion to the whole group. Once all the groups finished sharing, the session then opened to questions for those who wanted to know more about the Life of the Founder and the Brother’s religious vocation. The session ended with a prayer at around 1:00 in the afternoon. The active participation of the young Lasallians demonstrated that the workshop was fruitful and blessed indeed. (Text: Br Justine Nge Bo FSC; Screenshots: La Salle Centre)
View the video recording of the workshop on Facebook.