SINGAPORE - The solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity is woven into the fabric of Lasallian spirituality as an occasion where the Brothers all over the world renew their religious consecration to the Trinity. This tradition affirms the continuous flow of the Trinitarian love to our mission and consecration as Brothers of the Christian Schools. An additional testament to this love is the promise of forever made by Br. Mark Salvan FSC as he professed his perpetual vows on the occasion of the solemnity, 29 May 2021 at 6 PM. The intimate celebration was held at the Sanctuary of Divine Love Chapel, St. Joseph’s Institution International, Singapore. It was presided by Friar Clifford Augustine OFM and attended by the De La Salle Brothers assigned in Singapore, Br. Mark’s friends, and some family members.
Br. Dodo Fernandez FSC, his religious sponsor, delivered the shared reflection for this solemn occasion in a recorded video clip. He shared in an anecdote Br. Mark’s desire to grow and be more effective in his ministry. It was a story of how his formative years helped him appropriate his values to the vitality and values of religious life. From an energetic young man whose initial attraction to the Brothers’ life is the energy and enthusiasm he saw from Br. Rey Mejias FSC, the formation process has helped him develop a deeper relationship with God. This relationship gave him the courage and strength to bear witness to a faithful and steadfast God through a life-long commitment to responding to God’s call and be of service to the young through education.
Br. Mark, in his response, shared how things that are important to him seemed not to fall into place. One of them is celebrating this milestone in his life away from his loved ones. But despite the situation, this special day has become a celebration of a heart abounding in thanksgiving and self-giving. With the eyes of faith, he was able to see things through. In faith, things that seemed to fall apart are actually things falling into place.
At the height of the pandemic, the perpetual profession of Br. Mark is a sign of hope. He mentioned in his message that everything happens for a reason. Thus, this profession serves as a light manifesting how God works no matter how challenging our circumstances are. The organizers had to cut the number of people physically present at the event and restrict the movement of guests to comply with the safety measures imposed by the government. The celebration still stood out as a testament to God’s faithfulness as the sector of Singapore once again witnessed a Brother’s perpetual profession after nearly a decade.
Br. Mark teaches Religious Education and is a member of the Faith Formation Team at St. Joseph's Institution International. Let us continue to pray for him as he begins his ‘forever’ serving the people of God as a Brother of the Christian Schools. (Text: Br. Kino Escolano FSC; Photos: SJII)