THAILAND - The Brother Visitor makes his virtual visit and dialogue to the Brothers of La Salle Sampran Formation House in Thailand from February 15-16, 2021. This new normal situation made the visit more interesting and reflective for the Brothers, as the community is reminded to embrace the changes brought by the pandemic and the changes of living with diverse community cultures, members, and age groups. The dialogue revolves around the bountiful blessings brought by the Holy Spirit like new hobbies and activities of the Brothers in the formation community that lighten the burdens of Covid19. The Brother Visitor recalls the famous line from various documents of the Institute – “Brothers without Borders”, as the community welcomes Br. Eugene from the Philippines and the four young candidates from different tribes. The Brother Visitor ended the dialogue by thanking the community for their efforts in supporting the young candidates in their formation and for making the community a place to rediscover the beauty of God through nature and the passion of each Brother. (Text & Photo: Br. Eugene de Luna FSC)