Lasallians In California Visit And Experience The Lasallian Culture In Thailand

LEAD Story 407

THAILAND - Sixteen high school students and two professors from St. Mary's College High School in Berkeley, California visited Sangkhlaburi, Thailand, as part of their Lasallian Enrichment Program. These Lasallians lived and interacted with the community's students, teachers, staff, and De La Salle Brothers for six days. They also had the opportunity to volunteer at the La Salle Bamboo School, where they built and designed a mushroom hut for the students. To immerse visitors in Thai culture, they were taken to various popular tourist destinations, interacted with students and teachers, and tried to bargain with Thai sellers. The main aim of this Lasallian Enrichment Program, a collaboration between Thailand and other countries, is for the Lasallian partners to enjoy and appreciate the rich Thai culture and to be inspired to help the less fortunate students of La Salle Bamboo School. (Text & Photos: Br. Eugene de Luna FSC & Br. Joe Klong FSC)