Happy Songkran Day!

LEAD Story 384

THAILAND - Songkran is the traditional Thai New Year festival from ancient times. It is a celebration that embraces goodwill, love, compassion, and thankfulness, using water as the means of expression.

The festival of Songkran falls on the 13th, 14th, and 15th of April every year. The first day is known as Maha Songkran or the grand Songkran. The Thai government has declared Songkran festival as extended public holidays to enable the people to return to their hometown for family reunions, merry-making and reuniting with others in their community.

The 13th of April is also declared the Day of the Seniors or Elderly by the government. The occasion marks the appreciation for the senior population for their years of contribution to the family and country. The 14th of April is designated as Family Day to celebrate family love and togetherness.

The Brothers and Sisters celebrated together while having an Annual Retreat together at the Redemptorist Retreat Center, Minburi. (Text & Photo: Br. Joe Klong FSC)