PHILIPPINES - Hey, Lasallians! Ready yourselves for this BREAKING NEWS!
The Daily Signum Viridis - our first ever newsletter from the newly founded Lasallian Youth Media Ministry has been finally released!
Signum [noun] and Viridis [noun] are both derived from Latin words, which then translate to sign and green, respectively.
With the intent of imparting the life and stories of Young Lasallians together with the ventures spearheaded by the Lasallian Youth Ministry Office, the columns on each page are for yours to look into and read so that you can establish daily what it also means to be a bearer of the Lasallian color.
The LYMO and all its ministries will now have the spotlight as they answer De La Salle Lipa’s burning questions about…
WHAT do they do?
WHEN during the school year did they start initiating their activities?
WHERE do they implement all of their projects and programs?
WHY were they inspired to start their ministries?
HOW did LYMO start?
Looking to find where you can access our newsletter? We’ve got you covered on this. We give you the The Daily Signum Viridis realness!
The LYMO is one with its ministries in hoping that these articles could help you (yes, you, our fellow Young Lasallians) to discover the faith in God and the need for service!
We are so grateful to have you here. You’re more than welcome to join us once again for our next newsletter publishing!
Follow our official LYMO social media accounts to keep up with the latest updates:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dlsl.lymo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dlsl_lymo
Animo La Salle!
#DLSLipaLasallianYouthMinistryOffice #YesBro #TheDailySignumViridis #TheDailySignofGreen
(DLSL - Lasallian Youth Ministry Office Official Facebook Page)