Brothers Live-in Program Hong Kong

On 9-12 October 2024, the St Joseph’s Brothers Community hosted the second Brothers Live-In Programme in Hong Kong. The community welcomed Crispin, Philip and Jerry, who are Old Boys of La Salle College, De La Salle Secondary School New Territories and Chong Gene Hang College respectively. During the BLIP, the participants are given the opportunity to know more about the De La Salle Brothers, their way of life and their spirituality.

We are happy to share with you the reflections from our BLIP Participants. Through these,
you will get a glimpse of what their Brothers Live-In Programme experience.

From Crispin - It’s been an honour to be invited by the La Salle Brothers to BLIP 2. This is an important exposure for my vocational discernment. During BLIP, I spent three nights with the Brothers at SJC. Living in the community required more discipline than I expected. We were required to rise early for Morning Lauds at 6am, and to use the communal bathroom also meant I wasn’t able to take long showers. The Brothers also have a communal night out every Wednesday, meaning they have to selflessly put aside whatever work and prioritise bonding with other Brothers.

In addition, I had the luxury to attend a Zoom meeting with overseas La Salle Brothers from Myanmar, Malaysia, and the Philippines. They shared about their challenges of leaving their home country. A Brother moved me when he shared about not being able to return for his sick parent and seeing their last. Being a Brother requires true commitment — to the Lasallian movement, as well as to educating and loving God’s children! I now understand the responsibilities and expected sacrifices in becoming a LaSalle Brother.

Lastly, I appreciated the Brothers’ transparency in sharing their ups and downs of being a La Salle Brother. They shared anecdotes, from spiritual discernment, to giving up the freedom for marriage, to crawling up for morning prayers. On the last BLIP day, I met some humble and fun-loving La Salle Sisters, who are from Thailand and Vietnam! It’s comforting to know that La Salle religious communities are vibrant and supportive, and so they don’t feel lonely despite serving the Lord on the other side of the world.

In these 4 fruitful days, I’ve learnt what lies ahead if God calls me to become a La Salle Brother. Thank you Hong Kong La Salle Brothers, especially Br Paolo and Br Edmon, for putting the whole programme together. My upcoming steps are to stay in frequent contact with the Brothers, and to keep an open mind to the vocation, so to be a flexible and useful instrument for God’s glory.

From Philip - This experience has been truly memorable for me. During these days, I had the wonderful opportunity to stay with the De La Salle Brothers, who generously shared their lives and experiences. I felt both honored and happy to engage in activities with them and connect with foreign Brothers via Zoom, which helped clarify my questions about their way of life.

The residence where the Brothers live is both retro and elegant, yet simple, featuring a small chapel inside. I felt fortunate to enter and pray with the Brothers in this sacred space, which is located adjacent to their community. It was truly awe-inspiring!

On my last day, I couldn’t believe I was paying my respects to the Brothers of the past in Hong Kong. I also had the chance to remember Brother Lawrence, who passed away a few years ago and was memorialized at DLS. It felt like a distance that was both far and near. As time flew by, I found myself on the top floor of LSC, having lunch with the Sisters and Brothers. I enjoyed to have a chat with Brother Patrick and Brother Thomas. It was a great honor!

These short trips made me wish I had more time to fully experience the wisdom of the Brothers’ way of life, learn how to embody the Lasallian spirit, and help keep their spirit alive.

From Jerry - During this period, the program really opened my eyes and allowed me to explore new things that I never thought I would do.

Moreover, this program gives me the opportunity to know more about the Brothers. We got a chance to stay with the Brothers and to know there is so much more about Brothers than praying and teaching. 

Besides, we have a great online session with the overseas Brothers. It is such a great way to connect with the community and learn about what the brothers do in other countries.

Last but not least, thank you Brothers for having me in this program. This is an extraordinary
experience that I will cherish.