International Strategy Committee Meeting

LEAD Story 308

The FSC’s Internat ional St rategy Committee (ISC) had its quarterly meeting at Hotel Benilde, Manila, Philippines on 13-14 July 2019. The ISC is the committee commissioned in 2017 by the Superior General to develop strategies to achieve optimal financial management of the Institute and the sustainability and vitality of the mission. Below are the members of the committee:

Br. Ambrose Payne FSC (AU)
Mr Nestor Tan (PH)
Br Armin Luistro FSC (PH)
Br Michael Quirk FSC (US)
Br Martin Rocha FSC (MX)
Mr Julio Gordillo FSC (MX)
Mr Pierre Damiba (BF)
Mr Alessandro Lombardi (IT)

This is the second time that the Philippine Sector has hosted the meeting. The last one was in January 2018. (Text & Photos: Mr. Ian Saulog)

