Brothers’ Memorial Day 2021

LEAD Story 371

PHILIPPINES - Each year, on the first Sunday of October, the Brothers in the Philippines celebrate the life and legacy of our Brothers and Lasallians who have gone before us. This year, due to the pandemic, only a limited number of Brothers and Partners were physically together at the La Salle Novitiate in Lipa, Batangas. Br. Armin Luistro FSC, our Visitor, was in attendance together with our Brothers in Lipa and some Brothers from the Residencia and 1911 communities. The rest were in attendance through Zoom.

The celebration began with the Holy Eucharist with Fr. Nonie Dolor as presider. After the homily, the names of our deceased Lasallians were shown through a video presentation. After the Eucharist, the congregation proceeded with the Rite of Blessing in the Memorial Cloister where our Brothers have been laid to rest.

Many thanks to our Partners from De La Salle Philippines and De La Salle Lipa for organizing the celebration and maintaining proper health and safety protocols throughout the gathering. (Text: Br. Weegee Enriquez FSC; Photos: Br. Carlo Rementilla & Mr. Marc Gepaya)