Lasallian Educators In Thailand Undergo Formation Training

LEAD Story 393

THAILAND - The Lasallian educators from the four La Salle schools in Thailand: La Salle Bangkok, La Salle Chanthaburi, La Salle Nakhonsawan, and La Salle Sangklaburi, have undergone intensive and fruitful teachers and staff formation programs under Mr. Michael Warin Chiapaiboon in the past months.

The formation program's goals were to foster campus camaraderie and a sense of community and to prepare the educators for the "Mission to Restore Learning." Better teaching methodology and attitudes were also included in the said formation to touch more hearts and transform more lives of the students entrusted to their care.

Mr. Michael Waring Chiapaiboon is a former De La Salle Brother with extensive experience training personnel in various Thai companies and organizations. (Text: Br. Eugene de Luna FSC & Br. Joe Klong FSC; Photos: Br. Raphael Tanet of La Salle Sangklaburi, Teacher Theerasak Phutoson of La Salle Nakhonsawan, & Facebook Pages of LA SALLE SCHOOLS in Thailand)